New Holland Livestock Cattle Auction
- Market Reports
- Pennsylvania
- New Holland Livestock Cattle Auction
Archived Report
Total Run: 1,176
Market Notes
Compared to last week, Steers sold weak, with Dairy Steers selling steady on a light test. Too few Heifers, Bulls, and Dairy Heifers for a market test this week. Cows sold 3.00-4.00 lower. Buyer attendance for the slaughter cattle sale was moderate, with moderate demand on a moderate supply of cattle. Feeder Dairy Bull calves sold firm, with too few Heifer calves for a test. Buyer attendance, demand, and supply was moderate for the calf sale.
Supply included: 54% Slaughter Cattle (52% Steers, 3% Dairy Steers, 3% Heifers, 35% Cows, 2% Bulls, 5% Dairy Heifers); 46% Feeder Dairy Calves (90% Bulls, 10% Heifers). AUCTION This Week Last Reported 6/22/2023 Last Year Total Receipts: 1,176 1,159 918 Slaughter Cattle: 638(54.3%) 656(56.6%) 483(52.6%) Feeder Dairy Calves: 538(45.7%) 503(43.4%) 435(47.4%)
Feeder Steers
Weight |
Min |
Avg |
Max |
Approx* |
200-300 |
300-400 |
400-500 |
500-600 |
600-700 |
700-800 |
Feeder Heifers
Weight |
Min |
Avg |
Max |
Approx* |
200-300 |
300-400 |
400-500 |
500-600 |
600-700 |
700-800 |
*Approx is the middle weight of the weight group multiplied by the mid point of the high and low for the group. It's meant as a quick method to see what cattle of that weight class are bringing per head.
Cows & Bulls
Type |
Min |
Avg |
Max |
Slaughter Bulls |
$97 |
$97 |
$0 |