Monday, May 23, 2022

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Embryo 18 $1,047
Sexed Semen 2 $475

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $1,750 Embryo Irish Whiskey
2 $4,000 Embryo In God We Trust
3 $2,500 Embryo Front and Center
4 $1,100 Embryo Fair and Square
5 $1,750 Embryo Big Dog
6 $900 Embryo HL Business Done Right
7 $400 Embryo Fair and Square
8 $700 Embryo Wynne In Doubt
9 $700 Embryo 1OAK
10 $550 Embryo Quality Counts
11 $800 Embryo 1OAK
12 $500 Embryo Red Elephant
13 $500 Embryo Hawkeye
14 $400 Embryo Hawkeye
15 $400 Embryo Front and Center
16 $400 Embryo Fair and Square
17 $700 Embryo Wynne In Doubt
18 $800 Embryo Knock Knock
19 $500 Sexed Semen Knock Knock
20 $450 Sexed Semen Knock Knock