Callaway Livestock Center

Archived Report


Total Run: 3,469

Market Notes

Compared to last week, steer calves weighing 400-500 lbs sold 10.00-15.00 higher, with 500-600 lbs trading fully steady to firm, 600-650 lbs sold firm to 5.00 higher with 4 pot loads of yearling steers weighing 895-965 lbs selling with a higher undertone. Feeder heifers weighing 400450 lbs sold 10.00-15.00 higher, with 450-500 lbs selling 5.00-10.00 higher, 500-600 lbs sold steady to firm and over 600 lbs were not well tested with a light offering. Demand was good on a heavy supply with the bulk of the steers weighing 400-650 lbs and heifers weighing 350600 lbs. Steer and heifer calves sold on a very active market with a very good quality offering of top end calves to choose from along with the four pot loads of top quality yearling steers. Cattle on Feed Report was released on Friday was neutral coming in within expectations with on feed at 96.5 percent, Placements at 96 percent and Marketings at 90 percent. Slaughter cows on a large offering sold on a very active market trading 5.00-10.00 higher, spots 12.00 higher.

Supply included: 88% Feeder Cattle (60% Steers, 37% Heifers, 3% Bulls); 12% Slaughter Cattle (4% Heifers, 96% Cows). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 25%. AUCTION This Week Last Reported 5/15/2023 Last Year Total Receipts: 3,469 3,310 3,674 Feeder Cattle: 3,056(88.1%) 2,970(89.7%) 3,454(94.0%) Slaughter Cattle: 413(11.9%) 340(10.3%) 220(6.0%)

Feeder Steers

Weight Min Avg Max Approx*
200-300 $--
300-400 290 297 311 $1,038
400-500 280 293 302 $1,319
500-600 $--
600-700 $--
700-800 $--

Feeder Heifers

Weight Min Avg Max Approx*
200-300 $--
300-400 268 278 0.0000 $972
400-500 $--
500-600 $--
600-700 $--
700-800 $--

*Approx is the middle weight of the weight group multiplied by the mid point of the high and low for the group. It's meant as a quick method to see what cattle of that weight class are bringing per head.

Cows & Bulls

Type Min Avg Max
Slaughter Bulls $179 $182 $185
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Kingdom City, Missouri