North Dakota Weekly Cattle Auction Summary

Archived Report


Total Run: 11,565

Market Notes

Compared to last week: Feeder steers under 650 lbs 5.00 to 8.00 higher, 650-750 lbs 2.00 to 3.00 higher, over 750 lbs steady. Feeder heifers under 750 lbs 5.00 to 8.00 higher, except 550-600 lbs and 700-750 lbs 1.00 to 3.00 higher, over 750 lbs steady. Very good demand for steers and heifers suitable for backgrounding, either in a yard or on grass, as the supply of this class dwindles with each passing week. Good demand remains for cattle suitable for finishing, yet the great supply of this class allows plenty of selection and buyers don’t have to chase the market to get them bought. The CME Feeder Cattle futures are painting a very rosy prospect for feeder cattle producers come fall shipping time. The backgrounders want to make sure they have their cattle bought for this time frame as it looks to be highly profitable. The Live Cattle contracts are not forecasting as a robust fat market, which is keeping a lid on the heavier weight cattle as their breakeven prices are currently par with the board. The weather, overall, has been favorable for cattle gaining and growing well as snow has been scarce and feedyard pens are in good shape, which is helping greatly with costs of gains as all feed ingredients in a ration are very high. This is helping to keep cattle feeders in good spirits and feeling optimistic about the coming months in the fat market.

Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (58% Steers, 42% Heifers, 0% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 76%.

LIVESTOCK SUMMARY Current Week Last Reported 2/7/2022 Last Year Total Receipts: 11,565 11,179 9,453 Feeder Cattle: 11,565(100.0%) 11,179(100.0%) 9,453(100.0%)

Feeder Steers

Weight Min Avg Max Approx*
200-300 $--
300-400 222.5 235 239 $824
400-500 201 221 235 $993
500-600 $--
600-700 $--
700-800 $--

Feeder Heifers

Weight Min Avg Max Approx*
200-300 $--
300-400 186 188 205 $660
400-500 175 189 193 $848
500-600 161 180 193 $991
600-700 $--
700-800 $--

*Approx is the middle weight of the weight group multiplied by the mid point of the high and low for the group. It's meant as a quick method to see what cattle of that weight class are bringing per head.

Cows & Bulls

Type Min Avg Max
Slaughter Bulls $ $ $
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