Ree Heights Fall Gathering Online Club Calf Sale 11-23-15

Monday, November 23, 2015

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Heifer 16 $5,597
Steer 11 $2,755

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $3,500 Steer Monopoly
2 $3,600 Steer Monopoly
3 $4,000 Steer Unstoppable
4 $2,200 Steer Monopoly
5 $2,400 Steer Monopoly
6 $2,200 Steer Ohio Senator
7 $2,750 Steer FSF STARBURST 058
8 $2,000 Steer I-80
10 $2,750 Steer WAGR Target
12 $2,500 Steer WAGR Lightning
13 $2,400 Steer Man Among Boys
15 $14,500 Heifer CML Diablo
16 $3,750 Heifer Monopoly
18 $3,000 Heifer UPS Sensation
19 $10,507 Heifer Wyarno
20 $11,500 Heifer 955W
21 $7,400 Heifer 955W
22 $4,250 Heifer CCF Vision
23 $10,000 Heifer Mr HOC Broker
24 $1,500 Heifer I-80
25 $3,500 Heifer Sugar Rush
26 $3,000 Heifer Monopoly
27 $9,250 Heifer Sinclair About Time
28 $2,000 Heifer Ohio Senator
30 $1,800 Heifer Monopoly
33 $1,800 Heifer Walk This Way
34 $1,800 Heifer Walk This Way


1,306 Heifers sired by similar bulls averaged $5,506 between 11/24/2014 and 11/22/2015