Farmington Regional Stockyards

Archived Report


Total Run: 690

Market Notes

Compared to last week, steers and heifers sold uneven, from 4.00 lower to 6.00 higher. Slaughter cows sold 2.00 higher and bulls sold 1.00 higher; Demand uneven and supply light.

Supply included: 90% Feeder Cattle (39% Steers, 49% Heifers, 12% Bulls); 10% Slaughter Cattle (76% Cows, 24% Bulls); 1% Replacement Cattle (25% Bred Cows, 75% Bred Heifers). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 24%. AUCTION This Week Last Reported 3/15/2023 Last Year Total Receipts: 690 1,333 530 Feeder Cattle: 619(89.7%) 1,100(82.5%) 420(79.2%) Slaughter Cattle: 67(9.7%) 204(15.3%) 100(18.9%) Replacement Cattle: 4(0.6%) 29(2.2%) 10(1.9%)

Feeder Steers

Weight Min Avg Max Approx*
200-300 235 245 250 $612
300-400 225 258 282 $902
400-500 227 245 262 $1,101
500-600 224 236 250 $1,296
600-700 187 199 219 $1,295
700-800 170 182 189 $1,362

Feeder Heifers

Weight Min Avg Max Approx*
200-300 235 235 0.0000 $588
300-400 212 226 225 $791
400-500 195 219 240 $986
500-600 180 206 210 $1,132
600-700 172 191 195 $1,239
700-800 165 171 173 $1,280

*Approx is the middle weight of the weight group multiplied by the mid point of the high and low for the group. It's meant as a quick method to see what cattle of that weight class are bringing per head.

Cows & Bulls

Type Min Avg Max
Slaughter Bulls $87 $105 $116
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Farmington, Missouri