Cuero Livestock Market

Archived Report


Total Run: 660

Feeder Steers

Weight Min Avg Max Approx*
200-300 228 298 $658
300-400 220 280 $875
400-500 217 256 $1,064
500-600 214 238 $1,243
600-700 197 233 $1,398
700-800 187 214 $1,504

Feeder Heifers

Weight Min Avg Max Approx*
200-300 245 308 $691
300-400 204 270 $830
400-500 211 240 $1,015
500-600 205 240 $1,224
600-700 198 228 $1,385
700-800 165 203 $1,380

*Approx is the middle weight of the weight group multiplied by the mid point of the high and low for the group. It's meant as a quick method to see what cattle of that weight class are bringing per head.

Cows & Bulls

Type Min Avg Max
Slaughter Bulls $118 $ $127

Past Reports
