Wild Indian Acres and Ridder Farms Girls Gone Wild Charolais Online Sale 4-25-16

Monday, April 25, 2016

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Embryo 15 $373
Heifer 13 $7,723
Semen 2 $20
Sexed Semen 2 $200
Flush 2 $3,375
Bull 1 $4,000

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $15,500 Heifer TR MR DIABLO 2742Z ET
2 $4,250 Heifer TR MR DIABLO 2742Z ET
3 $4,250 Heifer Tr PZC Rapid Fire 9775 ET
4 $5,100 Heifer TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET
5 $2,250 Heifer TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET
6 $2,500 Heifer Cox Ledger 2218
7 $3,250 Heifer SCR Tuffy 0119
8 $6,500 Heifer Lt Ledger 0332 P
9 $7,750 Heifer MCF Bohannon 305A
10 $4,500 Heifer MCF Bohannon 305A
11 $36,500 Heifer MCF Bohannon 305A
12 $6,050 Heifer MCF Bohannon 305A
13 $2,000 Heifer Monopoly
14 $4,000 Bull MCF Bohannon 305A
17 $2,250 Flush Charolais
18 $4,500 Flush Rhinestone or Diablo
19 $500 Embryo TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET
20 $450 Embryo WCR Sir Duke 761
21 $450 Embryo Tr PZC Rapid Fire 9775 ET
22 $450 Embryo Lt Ledger 0332 P
23 $650 Embryo TR MR DIABLO 2742Z ET
24 $400 Embryo MCF Bohannon 305A
25 $450 Embryo Lt Ledger 0332 P
26 $250 Embryo MCF Bohannon 305A
27 $200 Embryo Monopoly
28 $400 Embryo MCF Bohannon 305A
29 $200 Embryo MCF Bohannon 305A
30 $150 Embryo Mead-RF X-Factor G584 P
31 $350 Embryo Keys Ten-Acious
32 $300 Embryo VCR Sir Duke 914
33 $400 Embryo M6 Grid Maker 104 P ET
34 $200 Sexed Semen MCF Bohannon 305A
35 $200 Sexed Semen MCF Bohannon 305A
38 $20 Semen TR MR DIABLO 2742Z ET
39 $20 Semen TR MR DIABLO 2742Z ET


278 Embryos sired by similar bulls averaged $751 between 4/26/2015 and 4/21/2016

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