Streit Cattle 1-11-25

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Bred Heifer 15 $7,833
Embryo 10 $900
Semen 3 $72
Bred Cow 1 $11,000
Pre 1 $7,500
Pregnancy 1 $7,500

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $7,500 Bred Heifer Epic
2 $40,000 Bred Heifer Icon
3 $7,000 Bred Heifer Here I AM
4 $11,000 Bred Cow Extra Special
5 $5,500 Bred Heifer W/C Bankroll
6 $8,500 Bred Heifer Icon
7 $5,000 Bred Heifer Freedom
8 $5,500 Bred Heifer Dignity
9 $4,500 Bred Heifer Epic
10 $7,500 Bred Heifer Entourage
11 $4,000 Bred Heifer Boe Garth
12 $3,750 Bred Heifer W/C Relentless
13 $4,500 Bred Heifer Entourage
14 $4,250 Bred Heifer CCC WC Redemption
15 $5,500 Bred Heifer Made 2 Order
16 $4,500 Bred Heifer W/C Family Tradition
17 $1,400 Embryo How Great Thou Art
18 $1,200 Embryo In God We Trust
19 $800 Embryo Here I AM
20 $850 Embryo How Great Thou Art
21 $600 Embryo In God We Trust
22 $700 Embryo Trust and Obey
23 $800 Embryo Change is Coming
24 $7,500 Pre In God We Trust
24 $7,500 Pregnancy In God We Trust
25 $1,500 Embryo May We All
26 $400 Embryo Heres the Deal
27 $750 Embryo How Great Thou Art
28 $70 Semen Here I Am
29 $120 Semen In God We Trust
30 $25 Semen Maternal Perfection