Silveiras Brothers Annual Bull Sale 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Bull 151 $4,144

Lot # Price Description Sire
1010 $14,000 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
1903 $8,000 Bull Silveiras 5076 Total 7456
2005 $5,000 Bull Silveiras M811 Total 6103
2006 $12,500 Bull S A V Bismarck 5682
2007 $3,750 Bull SAV Pioneer 7301
2008 $9,000 Bull Silveiras Priority 9419
2009 $7,000 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
2010 $4,750 Bull Connealy Thunder
2011 $3,750 Bull SAV Pioneer 7301
2012 $3,750 Bull Connealy Thunder
2013 $4,500 Bull Silveiras Tradition 9059
2014 $9,000 Bull SMR/SB Combination 9242
2017 $8,500 Bull Silveiras Priority 9419
2018 $5,250 Bull DR Cowboy Cut 9222
2019 $8,500 Bull Silveiras Priority 9419
2020 $4,000 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
2021 $4,900 Bull CCA Emblazon 702
2022 $5,750 Bull Silveiras Style 9303
2025 $4,000 Bull Connealy Thunder
2026 $3,750 Bull SAV Pioneer 7301
2031 $4,000 Bull SAV Pioneer 7301
2032 $4,000 Bull Silveiras Tradition 9059
2033 $4,000 Bull Tri T 6058 Band 613 9015
2034 $7,000 Bull Poss Total Impact 745
2035 $3,750 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
2036 $7,750 Bull GAR Objective 9477
2038 $3,000 Bull Silveiras Tradition 9059
2039 $3,500 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
2040 $6,000 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
2041 $5,000 Bull Silveiras Infinity 0026
2042 $4,500 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
2044 $3,200 Bull Tri T Emblazon 402 8014
2048 $7,500 Bull Silveiras Out West 7026
2049 $5,250 Bull SMR/SB Combination 9242
2050 $4,750 Bull Poss Total Impact 745
2051 $4,000 Bull Toledo 876 Band M865 6058
2052 $5,750 Bull R/M Ironstone 4047
2057 $4,200 Bull GAR Objective 9477
2060 $2,750 Bull HA Image Maker 0415
2061 $6,500 Bull Silveiras Out West 7026
2062 $3,300 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
2063 $3,750 Bull Sitz Thunder 6118
2064 $5,000 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
2065 $5,750 Bull Silveiras Tradition 9059
2066 $3,100 Bull S A V Bismarck 5682
2070 $2,800 Bull B C Lookout 7024
2072 $4,000 Bull S A V Bismarck 5682
2073 $3,000 Bull Silveiras Tradition 9059
2074 $7,250 Bull Silveiras 5076 Total 7456
2077 $4,000 Bull Silveiras Tradition 9059
2078 $2,400 Bull S A V Bismarck 5682
2079 $5,100 Bull Silveiras 5076 Total 7456
2081 $3,500 Bull DR Cowboy Cut 9222
2082 $4,500 Bull EXAR Upshot 0562B
2084 $5,250 Bull Silveiras Infinity 0026
2088 $3,100 Bull Silveiras Tradition 9059
2089 $4,000 Bull Silveiras Infinity 0026
2090 $3,750 Bull Silveiras Infinity 0026
2092 $4,000 Bull Silveiras Infinity 0026
2094 $7,000 Bull Silveiras Priority 9419
2095 $2,400 Bull Silveiras Tradition 9059
2096 $3,750 Bull SMR/SB Combination 9242
2097 $7,250 Bull Silveiras Priority 9419
2099 $4,750 Bull Silveiras M811 Total 6103
2102 $3,500 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
2103 $3,300 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
2105 $4,250 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
2106 $4,000 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
2200 $2,600 Bull Soo Line Alternative 9127W
2203 $4,000 Bull B C Lookout 7024
2205 $3,000 Bull Soo Line Alternative 9127W
2213 $3,250 Bull B C Lookout 7024
2214 $3,000 Bull Soo Line Alternative 9127W
2221 $2,550 Bull OCC Big Sky 825
2222 $3,400 Bull S A V Brilliance 8077
2235 $3,000 Bull S A V Brilliance 8077
2237 $5,750 Bull Soo Line Alternative 9127W
2239 $3,300 Bull S A V Brilliance 8077
2245 $3,750 Bull Soo Line Alternative 9127W
2246 $4,750 Bull Soo Line Alternative 9127W
2247 $3,000 Bull OCC In Focus 804
2248 $2,800 Bull Soo Line Alternative 9127W
2252 $3,300 Bull OCC In Focus 804
2254 $4,250 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
2262 $3,750 Bull SMR/SB Combination 9242
2269 $2,500 Bull SMR/SB Combination 9242
2301 $4,750 Bull Silveiras Style 9303
2302 $4,250 Bull Soo Line Alternative 9127W
2303 $4,000 Bull Soo Line Alternative 9127W
2305 $5,200 Bull PVF ALL PAYDAY 729
2307 $4,700 Bull Soo Line Alternative 9127W
2310 $6,600 Bull Soo Line Alternative 9127W
2311 $4,250 Bull Soo Line Alternative 9127W
2312 $5,000 Bull Silveiras Style 9303
2313 $4,000 Bull S A V Brilliance 8077
2315 $6,000 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
2318 $4,000 Bull PVF ALL PAYDAY 729
2321 $4,000 Bull PVF ALL PAYDAY 729
2322 $6,000 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
2324 $3,400 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
2325 $2,500 Bull Seldom Rest BA Lake Effect
2326 $2,900 Bull Seldom Rest BA Lake Effect
2329 $2,350 Bull Seldom Rest BA Lake Effect
2330 $3,500 Bull Seldom Rest BA Lake Effect
2332 $3,000 Bull Seldom Rest BA Lake Effect
2341 $4,000 Bull Seldom Rest BA Lake Effect
2343 $2,300 Bull Seldom Rest BA Lake Effect
2346 $2,500 Bull Seldom Rest BA Lake Effect
2347 $3,000 Bull Seldom Rest BA Lake Effect
2353 $3,000 Bull LCC MAJOR LEAGUE A502M
2354 $4,000 Bull LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27 [
2357 $3,200 Bull LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27 [
2361 $4,000 Bull LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27 [
2368 $3,250 Bull SILVEIRAS MAKIN HAY 9354
2373 $5,900 Bull SILVEIRAS MAKIN HAY 9354
2376 $4,250 Bull Silveiras Style 9303
2377 $3,000 Bull Silveiras Style 9303
2383 $3,000 Bull Silveiras Style 9303
2386 $4,000 Bull FL CHATEAU 324 668
2401 $5,500 Bull SMR/SB Combination 9242
2405 $2,750 Bull SMR/SB Combination 9242
2406 $3,000 Bull Silveiras M811 Total 6103
2410 $3,500 Bull Silveiras M811 Total 6103
2414 $1,900 Bull Coleman Regis 904
2417 $2,200 Bull Coleman Regis 904
2419 $2,400 Bull S A V Final Answer 0035
2421 $2,200 Bull Coleman Regis 904
2422 $2,500 Bull Silveiras Convertor 0423
2423 $1,900 Bull Sitz Rainmaker 6169
2424 $2,900 Bull Coleman Regis 904
2429 $2,700 Bull Silveiras Convertor 0423
2446 $2,500 Bull Silveiras Out West 7026
2451 $2,400 Bull Basin Rainmaker P175
2505 $4,000 Bull D R Sierra Cut 7404
2506 $3,000 Bull D R Sierra Cut 7404
2507 $3,000 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
2509 $2,900 Bull Dameron First Class
2515 $2,400 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
2701 $3,100 Bull DR Cowboy Cut 9222
2703 $3,800 Bull Silveiras Priority 9419
2704 $3,500 Bull Silveiras Priority 9419
2707 $3,500 Bull Silveiras Priority 9419
2709 $2,800 Bull Silveiras Inspiration 9418
2710 $2,200 Bull Silveiras Inspiration 9418
2711 $2,800 Bull Silveiras Priority 9419
2712 $2,300 Bull Silveiras Inspiration 9418
2713 $2,500 Bull DR Cowboy Cut 9222
2714 $2,600 Bull DR Cowboy Cut 9222
2716 $2,200 Bull Silveiras Priority 9419
2717 $3,000 Bull Silveiras Priority 9419
2719 $2,200 Bull Silveiras Inspiration 9418


2 Bulls sired by similar bulls averaged $1,750 between 3/9/2013 and 3/9/2013

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