Schaake Farms Heritage Sale 10-9-18

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Heifer 27 $8,383

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $11,500 Heifer KMJ Revenue
2 $36,000 Heifer KMJ Revenue
3 $19,500 Heifer KMJ Revenue
4 $12,000 Heifer CCLT Alliance 91C
5 $25,500 Heifer W/C Loaded Up 1119Y
6 $13,500 Heifer LLSF Pays to Believe ZU194
7 $9,500 Heifer W/C Executive Order 8543B
8 $7,250 Heifer SFI Savage D20
9 $10,500 Heifer UPS Sensation 2296 ET
10 $6,500 Heifer CRR About Time 743
11 $4,000 Heifer Profit
12 $3,750 Heifer Mr HOC Broker
13 $5,500 Heifer TL Bottomline
14 $4,750 Heifer Mr CCF 20 20
15 $7,250 Heifer TJ High Calibre 556B
16 $3,050 Heifer W/C Executive Order 8543B
17 $6,500 Heifer SAC Conversation
18 $3,500 Heifer CCLT Alliance 91C
19 $4,750 Heifer W/C Executive Order 8543B
20 $4,000 Heifer CCR Cowboy Cut
21 $6,750 Heifer MR CCF Vision
22 $4,500 Heifer W/C LOADED UP 1119Y
23 $3,050 Heifer Mr TR Hammer 308A ET
24 $3,250 Heifer SFI Savage
25 $3,250 Heifer S D S Graduate 006X
26 $3,000 Heifer SCC First-N-Goal GAF 114
27 $3,750 Heifer JMB Traction 292


111 Heifers sired by similar bulls averaged $5,317 between 10/12/2017 and 10/8/2018

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