SEK Monthly Online Semen and Embryo Sale 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Semen 32 $96
Embryos 3 $417

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $320 Semen DHD TRAVELER 6807
2 $170 Semen SPUR Emulous Master
4 $40 Semen RITO 9FB3 OF 5H11 FULLBACK
5 $70 Semen Hotline
6 $105 Semen Hall's Legacy Plus 738G
7 $65 Semen Heart Beat
8 $85 Semen Capone
9 $105 Semen Cowan's Ali 4M
10 $200 Semen Cunia
11 $75 Semen Coronet Leader 21st
12 $70 Semen ELBEE LEADER C087 GIZMO
13 $130 Semen Friction
14 $210 Semen SVF Steel Force S701
15 $30 Semen GK Stud Monkey
16 $25 Semen GK Stud Monkey
17 $25 Semen GK Stud Monkey
18 $40 Semen GK Stud Monkey
19 $40 Semen GK Stud Monkey
20 $40 Semen GK Stud Monkey
21 $40 Semen GK Stud Monkey
22 $90 Semen O C C Anchor 771A
23 $50 Semen GF Maximus
24 $30 Semen Kadabra
25 $25 Semen Cosic
26 $101 Semen Epinal
27 $160 Semen SULL RED KNIGHT 2030 ET
28 $25 Semen IABON
29 $300 Semen Heat Wave (Org.)
30 $75 Semen Heat Wave Clone aka Wave on Wave
31 $140 Semen Heat Seeker
32 $70 Semen Who Made Who
33 $480 Embryos Meyer Ranch 734
34 $480 Embryos Calberta Paydirt
35 $290 Embryos Monopoly