Ridder Farms Online Bull Sale 3-28-17

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Bull 32 $2,860

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $5,000 Bull CCC WC Resource 417P
2 $3,000 Bull LT Ledger 0332 P
3 $2,500 Bull Mr HOC Broker
4 $5,000 Bull JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET
5 $3,000 Bull JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET
6 $3,000 Bull LT Ledger 0332 P
7 $2,900 Bull Mead-RF X-Factor G584 P
8 $2,600 Bull Mead-RF X-Factor G584 P
9 $2,600 Bull Raile Sovereign J827 Y064
10 $3,000 Bull Mead-RF X-Factor G584 P
11 $2,300 Bull MCF Bohannon 305A
12 $2,400 Bull CCC WC Resource 417P
13 $2,200 Bull MCF Bohannon 305A
14 $5,000 Bull CCC WC Resource 417P
15 $2,800 Bull CCC WC Resource 417P
16 $2,400 Bull CCC WC Resource 417P
17 $2,300 Bull MCF Bohannon 305A
18 $2,400 Bull CCC WC Resource 417P
19 $2,600 Bull SCR Bronco 9026
20 $2,200 Bull TLLC One Eyed Jack
21 $2,400 Bull SCR Bronco 9026
22 $2,500 Bull SCR Bronco 9026
23 $2,500 Bull MCF Bohannon 305A
24 $2,300 Bull MCF Bohannon 305A
25 $2,400 Bull MCF Bohannon 305A
26 $2,500 Bull MCF Bohannon 305A
27 $2,700 Bull TLLC One Eyed Jack
28 $4,076 Bull CCC WC Resource 417P
29 $2,600 Bull CCC WC Resource 417P
30 $2,200 Bull TLLC One Eyed Jack
31 $2,400 Bull LHD Cigar
32 $3,750 Bull LLSF Pays to Believe ZU194


9 Bulls sired by similar bulls averaged $4,294 between 4/5/2016 and 3/13/2017