Hirschfeld Group Online Sale hosted by Kolt Cattle Co and RM Farms 2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Heifer 13 $25,460
Pregnancy 10 $15,100
Flush 4 $16,375
Cow 2 $20,000
Embryo 1 $2,000
Bull 1 $50,000

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $20,000 Cow S A V Brilliance 8077
1a $30,000 Pregnancy Dameron First Class
1b $7,000 Heifer PVF Out Cold 1132
2 $7,500 Flush S A V Brilliance 8077
2c $20,000 Pregnancy Dameron First Class
2d $14,725 Heifer PVF Out Cold 1132
3 $12,500 Flush S A V Brilliance 8077
3a $15,000 Pregnancy Dameron First Class
3b $30,500 Heifer PVF Out Cold 1132
3c $5,000 Heifer EXAR Denver 2002
4 $15,000 Flush SLL Sugar Daddy X105
4a $70,000 Heifer PVF Raindance 0126
5 $8,250 Heifer PVF Insight 0129
6 $20,000 Cow PVF ALL Payday 729
6a $7,500 Pregnancy PVF Out Cold 1132
7 $50,000 Bull B C Lookout 7024
8 $30,000 Pregnancy Dameron First Class
8a $4,000 Pregnancy Damern American Classic
9 $30,500 Flush CRR About Time 743
9a $2,000 Embryo CRR 719 CATAPULT 109
9b $20,000 Pregnancy CRR 719 CATAPULT 109
10 $12,500 Heifer CRR 719 CATAPULT 109
11 $12,500 Heifer NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET
12 $60,000 Heifer CRR 719 CATAPULT 109
13 $30,500 Heifer CRR 719 CATAPULT 109
14 $20,000 Heifer NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET
15 $30,000 Heifer CRR 719 CATAPULT 109
16 $30,000 Heifer MSU TCF Revolution 4R
17 $10,000 Pregnancy CRR About Time 743
18 $7,250 Pregnancy H/TSR/CHEZ/FULL THROTTLE ET
19 $7,250 Pregnancy H/TSR/CHEZ/FULL THROTTLE ET


129 Heifers sired by similar bulls averaged $10,945 between 1/17/2014 and 12/22/2014