Evans Farms Production Sale 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Bred Cow 58 $3,293
Bull 54 $3,169
Heifer 40 $4,381
Pair 39 $3,885
Bred Heifer 30 $3,717

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $10,000 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
1a $10,000 Bred Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
2 $8,000 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
3 $8,500 Bred Cow BR Midland
3a $5,500 Heifer Buford BlueStem 9974
4 $8,000 Heifer Rito 9M25 of Rita 5F56 Pred
5 $7,750 Heifer Poss Total Impact 745
6 $5,000 Heifer Poss Total Impact 745
7 $5,500 Heifer S A V Potency 0641
8 $4,500 Heifer TC Total 410
9 $7,500 Heifer TC Total 410
10 $35,000 Heifer Poss Total Impact 745
11 $2,500 Heifer Poss Total Impact 745
11a $3,500 Heifer Poss Total Impact 745
12 $1,750 Heifer Poss Total Impact 745
13 $8,000 Heifer Poss Total Impact 745
14 $7,000 Heifer G A R New Design 5050
15 $6,500 Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
16 $2,000 Heifer TC Total 410
17 $5,500 Heifer Silveiras Conversion 8064
18 $2,500 Heifer G A R Predestined
19 $2,000 Heifer G A R Predestined
20 $2,500 Heifer EF Complement 8088
21 $3,250 Heifer EF Complement 8088
22 $2,000 Heifer MCC Daybreak
23 $2,000 Heifer MCC Daybreak
24 $2,500 Heifer MCC Daybreak
25 $2,000 Heifer SydGen Mandate 6079
26 $3,000 Heifer Connealy Impression
26a $2,500 Heifer S A V Potency 0641
27 $2,500 Heifer Buford BlueStem 9974
28 $2,750 Heifer Buford BlueStem 9974
29 $2,000 Heifer S A V Iron Mountain 8066
30 $3,750 Bred Heifer Connealy Consensus 7229
31 $8,000 Bred Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
32 $7,500 Bred Heifer G A R New Design 5050
33 $2,750 Bred Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
33a $2,500 Bred Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
33b $2,000 Bred Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
34 $3,000 Bred Heifer G A R New Design 5050
35 $9,000 Bred Heifer EF Complement 8088
36 $3,750 Bred Heifer EF Complement 8088
37 $2,750 Bred Heifer SydGen Mandate 6079
39 $2,000 Bred Heifer Connealy Impression
40 $4,750 Bred Heifer Connealy Impression
41 $3,750 Bred Heifer Connealy Impression
42 $3,000 Bred Heifer SydGen C C and 7
43 $2,750 Bred Heifer G A R Objective T988
44 $3,500 Bred Heifer Buford BlueStem 9974
45 $2,500 Bred Heifer Buford BlueStem 9974
46 $2,500 Bred Heifer Limestone Jupiter U449
47 $2,500 Bred Heifer S A V Iron Mountain 8066
48 $3,000 Bred Heifer OCC Paxton 730P
49 $2,000 Bred Heifer O C C Missing Link 830M
49a $2,250 Bred Heifer O C C Missing Link 830M
50 $3,000 Bred Heifer Connealy All Around
50a $3,750 heifer Rito 9M25 of Rita 5F56 Pred
51 $2,750 Bred Heifer B/R Ambush 28
51a $2,750 Heifer Buford BlueStem 9974
52 $4,000 Bred Heifer EXAR 263C
52a $2,500 Heifer EF Complement 8088
53 $2,000 Bred Heifer G A R Predestined
53a $2,250 Heifer MCC Daybreak
54 $3,500 Bred Heifer G A R Predestined
54a $2,000 Heifer EF Complement 8088
55 $4,000 Bred Heifer G A R Retail Product
55a $3,500 Heifer G A R Ingenuity
56 $2,750 Bred Heifer G A R Predestined
56a $2,750 Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
57 $2,250 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
57a $1,500 Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
58 $2,500 Bred Cow C R A Bextor 872 5205 608
58a $2,250 Heifer Poss Total Impact 745
59 $2,750 Bred Cow Gardens Prime Star
59a $1,750 Heifer Poss Total Impact 745
60 $3,250 Bred Cow LD Redirect 11
60a $3,250 Heifer Rito 9M25 of Rita 5F56 Pred
61 $2,250 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
61a $1,750 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
62 $2,250 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
62a $1,750 Bull Silveiras Conversion 8064
63 $3,500 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
63a $2,250 Bull EF Complement 8088
64 $2,750 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
64a $1,750 Bull EF Complement 8088
65 $2,250 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
65a $1,750 Bull MCC Daybreak
66 $2,000 Bred Cow TC Total 410
66a $2,500 Bull Connealy Consensus 7229
67 $2,000 Bred Cow Woodhill Foresight
67a $2,000 Bull Connealy Consensus 7229
68 $2,250 Bred Cow Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6
68a $1,750 Bull Buford BlueStem 9974
69 $2,000 Bred Cow Mytty In Focus
69a $2,000 Bull G A R New Design 5050
70 $3,250 Bred Cow BR Midland
70a $1,000 Bull S A V Potency 0641
71 $2,250 Bred Cow O C C Legend 616L
71a $1,250 Bull Connealy Final Product
72 $2,500 Bred Cow O C C Legend 616L
72a $1,750 Bull Connealy Impression
73 $2,250 Bred Cow E&B 1680 Precision 1023
74 $4,000 Bred Cow Dr J Analyst M250
75 $3,250 Bred Cow Hyline Right Time 338
76 $2,250 Bred Cow BR Midland
77 $2,500 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
78 $4,000 Bred Cow C R A Bextor 872 5205 608
79 $2,000 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
80 $2,250 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
81 $2,750 Bred Cow BR Midland
82 $2,250 Bred Cow DCC New Look 101
83 $20,000 Pair TC Total 410
84 $3,500 Bred Cow B/R Ambush 28
85 $7,500 Pair Connealy All Around
86 $3,500 Pair TC Total 410
87 $3,250 Pair TC Total 410
88 $1,750 Pair TC Total 410
89 $4,000 Pair TC Total 410
90 $3,500 Bred Cow TC Total 410
91 $6,000 Pair SS Traveler 6807 T510
92 $2,750 Pair DAAR Infinity 313
93 $2,750 Bred Cow S S Objective T510 0T26
94 $3,500 Pair S S Objective T510 0T26
95 $3,000 Bred Cow SQ Credence 67S
96 $3,250 Bred Cow S S Objective T510 0T26
97 $3,250 Bred Cow S S Objective T510 0T26
98 $2,250 Bred Cow Quaker Hill Objective 3J15
99 $3,000 Pair SQ Credence 67S
100 $2,750 Pair S S Objective T510 0T26
101 $4,000 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
102 $3,000 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
103 $4,000 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
104 $3,250 Pair G A R Predestined
105 $9,000 Pair G A R Predestined
106 $2,500 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
107 $5,000 Pair G A R Predestined
108 $2,750 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
109 $3,000 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
110 $3,750 Pair G A R Predestined
112 $2,250 Bred Cow Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre
113 $3,250 Bred Cow Connealy All Around
115 $2,750 Pair Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF
116 $3,250 Pair GAR-EGL Protege
117 $5,500 Bred Cow CA Future Direction 5321
118 $3,250 Pair LD Redirect 11
119 $2,500 Bred Cow LD Redirect 11
120 $2,500 Pair LD Redirect 11
121 $3,000 Pair E&B Blueprint 691
122 $2,250 Pair E&B 1680 Precision 1023
123 $3,500 Pair B/R Ambush 28
124 $2,000 Pair G A R Retail Product
125 $3,500 Pair G A R Retail Product
126 $1,750 Bred Cow G A R Retail Product
127 $2,000 Pair Stevenson Direction 100N
128 $3,000 Pair G A R New Design 5050
129 $1,750 Bred Cow SydGen 1407 Corona 2016
130 $3,000 Pair Nichols Extra K205
131 $2,500 Pair Nichols Extra K205
132 $2,750 Bred Cow Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6
133 $2,750 Bred Cow Basin Rainmaker P175
134 $2,750 Pair Mytty In Focus
135 $4,500 Bred Cow Mytty In Focus
136 $2,750 Pair Mytty In Focus
137 $3,750 Bred Cow Mytty In Focus
138 $2,750 Bred Cow Dr J Analyst M250
139 $3,250 Bred Cow S A V Net Worth 4200
140 $5,500 Bred Cow s a v 8180 Traveler 004
141 $7,500 Bred Cow BC 7022 Raven 7965
142 $3,000 Pair BC 7022 Raven 7965
143 $2,500 Bred Cow BC 7022 Raven 7965
144 $6,500 Pair Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27
145 $4,000 Bred Cow O C C Emblazon 854E
146 $3,500 Pair Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C
147 $2,750 Pair B C Lookout 7024
148 $2,500 Pair DCC Baseline 511
149 $3,750 Pair DHD Traveler 6807
150 $3,250 Pair GDAR Traveler 004
151 $2,000 Pair G C C Old School 4709
152 $3,250 Pair G A R Integrity
153 $10,000 Bull EF Complement 8088
154 $5,000 Bull EF Complement 8088
155 $4,250 Bull EF Complement 8088
156 $3,750 Bull G A R New Design 5050
157 $3,500 Bull G A R New Design 5050
158 $3,750 Bull LD Redirect 11
159 $3,750 Bull LD Redirect 11
160 $8,500 Bull S A V Bismarck 5682
161 $6,000 Bull S A V Bismarck 5682
162 $3,750 Bull S A V Bismarck 5682
162a $5,500 Bull S A V Bismarck 5682
163 $3,000 Bull Connealy Final Product
164 $3,000 Bull Connealy Final Product
165 $3,250 Bull SydGen Mandate 6079
166 $5,250 Bull S A V Solid Ground 6256
167 $2,250 Bull SQ Total 810 241T
168 $3,000 Bull SQ Total 810 241T
169 $2,500 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
170 $2,000 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
170a $2,000 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
171 $3,000 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
172 $3,750 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
172a $4,000 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
173 $3,500 Bull R/M Ironstone 4047
174 $4,900 Bull Connealy Impression
175 $4,250 Bull EF Complement 8088
176 $3,250 Bull SydGen Mandate 6079
178 $2,000 Bull S A V Iron Mountain 8066
179 $1,750 Bull S A V Iron Mountain 8066
180 $3,000 Bull S A V Iron Mountain 8066
181 $2,000 Bull Kesslers Frontman R001
182 $2,750 Bull Connealy Final Product
183 $3,750 Bull S A V Net Worth 4200
184 $2,750 Bull Sitz Identiy 2572
185 $3,250 Bull EF Predestined 7303
186 $2,000 Bull EF Predestined 7303
187 $3,250 Bull SQ Total 810 241T
188 $3,000 Bull EF Midland 5272
189 $2,000 Bull EF Midland 5272
190 $3,250 Bull Commercial Angus
191 $2,250 Bull Commercial Angus
192 $2,000 Bull Commercial Angus


403 Bred Cows sired by similar bulls averaged $4,295 between 3/10/2012 and 3/1/2013

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