Evans Farms Eighth Annual Production Sale 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Bred Cow 41 $3,084
Heifer 39 $4,103
Pair 29 $3,353
Bred Heifer 12 $5,075
Bull 7 $1,814
Cow 3 $10,667

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $8,500 Cow S A V 8180 Traveler 004
2 $20,500 Cow G A R Predestined
2a $3,250 Heifer EF Complement 8088
2b $1,900 Bred Heifer GAR Objective 7486
3 $8,250 Pair E&B 1680 Precision 1023
3a $9,000 Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
4 $3,000 Cow S S Objective T510 0T26
4a $5,500 Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
5 $3,750 Bred Cow Gardens Wave
5a $2,750 Bred Heifer G A R Predestined
6 $2,250 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
6a $2,250 Heifer R/M Ironstone 4047
7 $5,000 Bred Cow G A R Grid Maker
7a $10,000 Heifer Sitz Upward 307R
8 $6,500 Bred Cow B C Marathon 7022
9 $10,000 Heifer S A V Bismarck 5682
9a $6,000 Heifer S A V Iron Mountain 8066
9b $2,750 Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
10 $3,500 Heifer TC Total 410
10a $2,750 Heifer Silveiras Conversion 8064
11 $4,750 Heifer SydGen CC&7
12 $3,500 Heifer SydGen CC&7
13 $3,500 Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
14 $20,000 Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
15 $3,500 Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
16 $3,500 Heifer G A R New Design 5050
17 $4,000 Heifer G A R New Design 5050
18 $2,500 Heifer G A R Predestined
18a $2,500 Heifer G A R Predestined
19 $1,750 Heifer G A R Predestined
19a $1,750 Heifer G A R Predestined
19b $1,750 Heifer G A R Predestined
20 $2,250 Heifer G A R Predestined
21 $1,750 Heifer EF Complement 8088
23 $4,000 Heifer SQ Credence 67S
23a $3,250 Heifer SQ Credence 67S
24 $3,250 Heifer SQ Credence 67S
25 $3,000 Heifer S S Objective T510 0T26
26 $5,750 Heifer SydGen Mandate 6079
27 $4,000 Heifer Connealy Onward
28 $5,250 Heifer S A V Bismarck 5682
29 $2,000 Heifer OCC Missing Link 830M
30 $5,250 Heifer Limestone Jupiter U449
31 $5,250 Bred Heifer R/M Ironstone 4047
31a $4,250 Bred Heifer R/M Ironstone 4047
31b $2,750 Bred Heifer R/M Ironstone 4047
32 $7,500 Bred Heifer S S Objective T510 0T26
34 $4,500 Bred Heifer S S Objective T510 0T26
35 $15,500 Bred Heifer Summitcrest Complete 1P55
36 $5,750 Bred Heifer Sitz Upward 307R
37 $2,500 Bred Heifer R/M Ironstone 4047
39 $2,500 Bred Heifer SydGen Mandate 6079
40 $5,750 Bred Heifer Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre
41 $4,750 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
42 $4,750 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
42a $3,250 Heifer R/M Ironstone 4047
43 $4,000 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
43a $1,500 Heifer EF Complement 8088
44 $3,000 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
44a $1,500 Heifer EF Complement 8088
45 $2,500 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
45a $1,250 Heifer R/M Ironstone 4047
46 $3,250 Bred Cow S S Objective T510 0T26
46a $3,000 Heifer EF Complement 8088
47 $3,250 Bred Cow BR Midland
48 $2,750 Bred Cow Boyd On Target 1083
48a $1,750 Heifer O C C Paxton 730P
49 $4,000 Bred Cow TC Total 410
50 $3,500 Bred Cow Twin Valley Precision E161
51 $3,250 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
52 $3,500 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
53 $3,250 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
53a $1,700 Bull R/M Ironstone 4047
54 $3,000 Bred Cow S S Objective T510 0T26
54a $1,800 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
55 $2,400 Bred Cow Bon View New Design 1407
55a $2,400 Bull SydGen CC&7
56 $2,300 Bred Cow G A R Retail Product
56a $1,500 Bull SydGen Mandate 6079
57 $3,500 Bred Cow Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6
57a $1,700 Bull Summitcrest Complete 1P55
58 $3,700 Bred Cow GAR Precision 1680
59 $2,100 Bred Cow BR Midland
59a $2,000 Bull G A R Predestined
60 $3,200 Bred Cow BR Midland
61 $2,200 Bred Cow S A V 8180 Traveler 004
61a $1,600 Bull Kesslers Frontman R001
62 $2,500 Bred Cow Rito 2V1 of 2536 1407
63 $2,000 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
64 $2,500 Bred Cow E&B 1680 Precision 1023
65 $2,200 Bred Cow Nichols Extra K205
66 $2,300 Bred Cow Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27
67 $1,800 Bred Cow Bon View New Design 878
68 $2,800 Bred Cow S S Objective T510 0T26
69 $4,100 Pair E&B 1680 Precision 1023
70 $2,700 Bred Cow Rito 1I1 of 2536 Rito 6I6
71 $4,200 Pair G A R Predestined
72 $3,200 Pair G A R Predestined
73 $2,500 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
74 $3,600 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
75 $3,700 Pair G A R Predestined
76 $2,800 Pair G A R Predestined
77 $2,800 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
78 $2,400 Bred Cow G A R Predestined
79 $2,800 Pair G A R Predestined
80 $3,000 Pair G A R Predestined
81 $3,300 Pair G A R Predestined
82 $2,900 Pair S S Objective T510 0T26
83 $2,800 Pair TC Total 410
84 $3,500 Pair Gardens Prime Star
85 $3,000 Pair Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6
86 $2,500 Pair GAR Integrity
87 $2,700 Bred Cow Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6
88 $2,700 Pair C A Future Direction 5321
89 $2,800 Pair GAR Precision 1680
90 $3,000 Pair E&B 1680 Precision 1023
91 $2,800 Bred Cow G A R US Premium Beef
92 $2,800 Pair BR Midland
93 $3,400 Pair B/R New Design 036
94 $2,500 Bred Cow GAR Expectation 4915
95 $3,000 Pair GAR Expectation 4915
96 $4,300 Pair N Bar Emulation EXT
97 $3,100 Pair OCC Great Plains 943G
98 $4,000 Pair DHD Traveler 6807
99 $2,800 Pair Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27
100 $3,000 Pair B C Marathon 7022
101 $2,700 Bred Cow B C Marathon 7022
103 $3,000 Pair S A V 8180 Traveler 004
104 $3,700 Pair Leachman Right Time
105 $2,800 Pair GAR Yield Grade
106 $2,800 Pair Bon View New Design 878


259 Bred Cows sired by similar bulls averaged $2,867 between 4/9/2011 and 3/2/2012

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