Donors Unlimited Share the Future 11 2015

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Embryo 96 $2,057
Bred Cow 80 $6,251
Bred Heifer 59 $5,511
Pregnancy 39 $4,320
Semen 10 $700
Cow 6 $6,275
Flush 2 $6,125

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $47,000 Bred Cow TJ
1a $1,200 Embryo Doctor Who
1b $900 Embryo Doctor Who
1c $900 Embryo Heat Wave
2 $3,500 Bred Cow Heat Wave
2a $3,200 Bred Cow Celebration
3 $17,000 Bred Cow Who Made Who
4 $7,500 Cow Friction
5 $16,750 Bred Cow Thomas Outlaw
6 $23,500 Bred Cow Stop N Think
7 $3,500 Cow Cunia 602
8 $6,500 Bred Cow Punisher
8a $10,000 Bred Heifer Doctor Who
9 $33,000 Bred Cow Milk Man
10 $6,750 Cow Airhart 577
11 $9,400 Cow Chill Factor
12 $7,000 Cow Heat Seeker
14 $3,500 Cow Milk Man
15 $5,750 Bred Cow Yellow Jacket
16 $16,000 Bred Cow Heat Wave
17 $5,000 Bred Cow Who Made Who
17a $1,200 Embryo Walk This Way
17b $1,200 Embryo Man Among Boys
18 $8,000 Bred Cow Cunia 602
19 $10,000 Bred Cow Full Flush
20 $5,000 Bred Cow Monopoly
21 $4,500 Bred Cow Hoo Bear
22 $5,000 Bred Cow Hoo Doo
23 $4,500 Bred Cow Hoo Doo
24 $2,900 Bred Cow Chunky Monkey
25 $4,250 Bred Cow Chunky Monkey
26 $3,750 Bred Cow Ice Bucket
27 $9,000 Bred Cow White Lightning
28 $4,500 Bred Cow Yellow Jacket
29 $2,900 Bred Cow Hoo Doo
30 $6,500 Bred Cow Freeze Frame
31 $8,000 Bred Cow Red Headed Step Child
33 $4,000 Bred Cow Lifeline
34a $5,300 Bred Cow Friction
34b $3,000 Bred Heifer Solid Gold
35 $6,250 Bred Cow Heat Wave
35a $2,900 Bred Heifer Triple Threat
36 $3,500 Bred Cow Ice Bucket
37 $3,750 Bred Cow Charolais
38 $5,250 Bred Cow Carpe Diem
39a $7,750 Bred Cow BH 3011
39b $7,000 Bred Heifer Right On
40a $10,000 Bred Heifer Made Right
41 $5,300 Bred Cow Made Right
42 $5,500 Bred Cow Made Right
43 $21,000 Bred Cow Total Solution
44 $5,200 Bred Cow Grizzly
45 $3,500 Bred Cow Tycoon
46 $3,700 Bred Cow Heat Wave
47 $2,900 Bred Cow Heat Wave
48 $3,400 Bred Cow The Witch Doctor
49 $3,900 Bred Cow Money Shot
50 $4,300 Bred Cow Immortal
51 $3,700 Bred Cow Sandman
52 $3,700 Bred Cow Slick 50
53 $3,400 Bred Cow Cunia 602
54 $3,000 Bred Cow Cunia 602
55 $3,000 Bred Cow Doc
56 $3,500 Bred Cow KBAR Carney Man 879
57 $3,200 Bred Cow Cheap Trick
58 $2,900 Bred Cow Doctor Who
58a $3,500 Bred Cow Monopoly
59 $6,000 Bred Cow RSVP
59a $5,400 Bred Cow Cerveza
60 $4,100 Bred Cow Walks Alone
62 $3,400 Bred Cow Alias
63 $9,000 Bred Cow Monopoly
64 $4,100 Bred Cow Kadabra
65 $3,700 Bred Cow Doctor Who
66 $7,300 Bred Cow Flashback
67 $3,000 Bred Cow Cunia 602
68 $3,000 Bred Cow Angus
69 $4,200 Bred Cow Meyer 734 Son
70 $4,000 Bred Cow Meyer Ranch 734
71 $6,200 Bred Cow Meyer 734 Son
72 $3,000 Bred Cow Meyer 734 Son
73 $5,900 Bred Cow Meyer 734 Son
74 $3,500 Bred Cow Taz
75 $3,000 Bred Cow Tehama Bando Angus
76 $4,000 Bred Cow WAGR Driver 706T
77 $3,300 Bred Cow Black Max son
78 $3,200 Bred Cow Black Max son
79 $3,900 Bred Cow Black Max son
80 $3,900 Bred Cow Black Max son
81 $2,900 Bred Cow Black Max son
82 $2,900 Bred Cow Black Max son
83 $3,500 Bred Cow Black Max son
84 $4,500 Bred Cow Black Max son
85 $2,900 Bred Cow Black Max son
86 $3,000 Bred Cow Black Max son
87 $2,900 Bred Cow Black Max son
90 $13,500 Bred Heifer Boom Boom
91 $6,000 Bred Heifer Carpe Diem
92 $3,900 Bred Heifer Made Right son
93 $3,100 Bred Heifer Made Right son
94 $5,300 Bred Heifer Made Right son
95 $6,500 Bred Heifer Easy Money
96 $14,000 Bred Heifer Boom Boom
97 $3,400 Bred Heifer Right N Front
98 $3,000 Bred Heifer Made Right son
100 $5,000 Bred Heifer Made Right
101a $5,200 Bred Heifer Made Right
101b $5,400 Bred Heifer Made Right
101c $5,500 Bred Heifer Made Right
101d $4,300 Bred Heifer Walks Alone
101e $3,500 Bred Heifer Walks Alone
101f $3,500 Bred Heifer Monopoly
102a $4,100 Bred Heifer Stardust
102b $4,100 Bred Heifer Stardust
102c $5,500 Bred Heifer Stardust
103 $7,200 Bred Heifer Monopoly
104 $4,400 Bred Heifer Above and Beyond
105 $4,300 Bred Heifer Who Made Who
106 $29,000 Bred Heifer Angus #23
107 $4,800 Bred Heifer American Idol
108 $4,000 Bred Heifer Man Among Boys
109 $2,900 Bred Heifer Believe in Me
110 $3,500 Bred Heifer Irish Whiskey son
111 $3,300 Bred Heifer Milk Man
112 $4,000 Bred Heifer Troubadour
113 $2,800 Bred Heifer Doc
114 $3,900 Bred Heifer Monopoly
115 $5,000 Bred Heifer No BS
116 $3,500 Bred Heifer Unstoppable
117 $11,500 Bred Heifer Airhart 577
118 $3,500 Bred Heifer Big Red
119 $3,200 Bred Heifer Walks Alone
121 $4,500 Bred Heifer No BS
122 $4,900 Bred Heifer Airhart 577
123a $6,000 Bred Heifer HL Born Free
123b $3,400 Bred Heifer HL Born Free
124 $5,000 Bred Heifer Man Among Boys
125 $3,200 Bred Heifer Heat Wave
127 $2,000 Bred Heifer Monopoly
128 $4,800 Bred Heifer Believe in Me
129 $4,600 Bred Heifer Walks Alone
130 $4,800 Bred Heifer No BS
131a $5,800 Bred Heifer Superman
131b $4,300 Bred Heifer Superman
132 $3,600 Bred Heifer Monopoly
133 $4,250 Bred Heifer Walks Alone
134 $3,400 Bred Heifer Man Among Boys
136 $14,000 Bred Heifer Big Iron
137 $4,100 Bred Heifer Night Trips
138 $4,000 Bred Heifer Night Trips
200a $3,300 Pregnancy Picante
200b $3,300 Pregnancy Picante
200c $900 Embryo Picante
200d $900 Embryo Picante
201a $8,500 Pregnancy Troubadour
201b $8,500 Pregnancy Troubadour
201c $4,000 Pregnancy Crimson Tide
201d $4,000 Pregnancy Crimson Tide
201e $4,750 Pregnancy Yellow Jacket
201f $4,500 Pregnancy Yellow Jacket
202 $6,600 Embryo Milk Man
203a $5,100 Embryo Kalija
203b $5,100 Embryo Kalija
204 $9,750 Flush Heat Wave
205a $1,350 Embryo Man Among Boys
205b $1,275 Embryo Man Among Boys
206a $3,000 Embryo Monopoly
206b $5,700 Embryo Monopoly
207a $4,600 Pregnancy Milk Man
207b $3,500 Pregnancy Man Among Boys
207c $4,300 Pregnancy Hollywood
207d $2,400 Embryo Solid Gold
207e $2,100 Embryo Milk Man
208a $2,850 Embryo Monopoly
209a $1,425 Embryo Monopoly
209b $1,425 Embryo Milk Man
209c $1,425 Embryo Milk Man
210a $1,800 Embryo Made Right
210b $1,800 Embryo Made Right
210c $1,800 Embryo Kalija
210d $1,800 Embryo Kalija
211a $3,900 Pregnancy Kalija
211b $2,025 Embryo Kalija
211c $1,725 Embryo Carpe Diem
211d $1,650 Embryo Carpe Diem
212a $1,725 Embryo Made Right
212b $1,725 Embryo Made Right
214a $4,000 Pregnancy Smilin Bob
214b $4,000 Pregnancy Smilin Bob
214c $1,425 Embryo Lotta Leather
215a $3,400 Pregnancy Chocolate Milk
215b $3,200 Pregnancy Chocolate Milk
215c $1,500 Embryo Solid Gold
215d $1,500 Embryo HL Business Done Right
215e $1,500 Embryo Pump Daddy
216a $1,950 Embryo Smilin Bob
216b $1,950 Embryo Smilin Bob
216c $1,425 Embryo Man Among Boys
216d $1,425 Embryo Man Among Boys
217a $4,500 Pregnancy Solid Gold
217b $1,425 Embryo Mercedes Benz
217c $2,325 Embryo Solid Gold
218a $1,650 Embryo Solid Gold
218b $1,650 Embryo Man Among Boys
218c $900 Embryo Carpe Diem
219a $6,750 Pregnancy Man Among Boys
219b $3,900 Pregnancy Solid Gold
219c $4,300 Pregnancy Man Among Boys
219d $4,050 Embryo Man Among Boys
219e $2,700 Embryo Smokin Gold
219f $4,050 Embryo Solid Gold
219g $2,700 Embryo HL Business Done Right
220a $2,625 Embryo TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET
220b $1,875 Embryo TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET
221a $1,350 Embryo Solid Gold
221b $1,350 Embryo Solid Gold
221c $1,500 Embryo Monopoly
222a $3,225 Embryo Jakes Proud Jazz
222b $3,225 Embryo Jakes Proud Jazz
223a $2,500 Flush FSF Taylor Made
223c $2,100 Embryo Stud Monkey
224a $1,575 Embryo Solid Gold
224b $1,575 Embryo Believe in Me
224c $2,250 Embryo Two Tone
225a $1,425 Embryo Solid Gold
225b $1,350 Embryo HL Spotted 419
226a $3,250 Pregnancy Night Trips
226b $975 Embryo Red Rooster
226c $975 Embryo Red Rooster
227a $3,800 Pregnancy Milk Man
227b $3,800 Pregnancy Milk Man
227c $2,175 Embryo Heat Wave
228a $5,750 Pregnancy Solid Gold
228b $5,750 Pregnancy Solid Gold
228c $2,400 Embryo Solid Gold
228d $1,725 Embryo Heat Wave
228e $2,025 Embryo Solid Gold
229a $3,800 Pregnancy Chocolate Milk
229b $3,500 Pregnancy Chocolate Milk
229c $5,000 Pregnancy Walk This Way
229d $1,575 Embryo Walk This Way
230a $5,600 Pregnancy Man Among Boys
230b $3,800 Pregnancy Man Among Boys
230c $5,200 Pregnancy Monopoly
230d $1,500 Embryo Man Among Boys
230e $1,500 Embryo Man Among Boys
231a $2,925 Embryo Lone Wolf
231b $2,550 Embryo Lone Wolf
232a $4,000 Pregnancy Frostproof
232b $4,000 Pregnancy Frostproof
232c $3,800 Pregnancy Solid Gold
233a $2,325 Pregnancy HL Lovin 620
233b $1,950 Embryo HL Born Free
233c $1,800 Embryo Stud Monkey
234a $1,800 Embryo Irish Whiskey
234b $1,800 Embryo Irish Whiskey
234c $1,800 Embryo TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET
235a $2,700 Embryo The Irishman
235b $1,050 Embryo Kadabra
236a $1,575 Embryo irish Whiskey
236b $1,350 Embryo Mercedes Benz
237a $3,500 Pregnancy Monopoly
237b $3,400 Pregnancy Monopoly
237c $1,350 Embryo Man Among Boys
238a $1,200 Embryo Milk Man
238b $9,000 Embryo Milk Man
239a $1,125 Embryo Man Among Boys
239b $1,125 Embryo Man Among Boys
240a $1,500 Embryo Solid Gold
240b $1,500 Embryo Solid Gold
240c $1,950 Embryo RCC Firewater
241a $3,500 Pregnancy Monopoly
241b $3,500 Pregnancy Monopoly
241c $825 Embryo No Surprise
241d $825 Embryo Monopoly
242a $1,650 Embryo Red Rooster
242b $1,650 Embryo No Surprise
243a $3,600 Embryo Lone Ranger
243b $3,600 Embryo Monopoly 2
243c $3,600 Embryo Chocolate Milk
244a $2,100 Embryo Man Among Boys
244b $2,175 Embryo Solid Gold
300a $700 Semen GFK
300b $700 Semen GFK
300c $700 Semen GFK
300d $700 Semen GFK
300e $700 Semen GFK
300f $700 Semen GFK
300g $700 Semen GFK
300h $700 Semen GFK
300j $700 Semen GFK
300k $700 Semen GFK


496 Embryos sired by similar bulls averaged $845 between 4/26/2014 and 4/22/2015

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