Donors Unlimited 2018

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Bred Heifer 128 $4,098
Embryo 75 $2,122
Bred Cow 37 $6,851
Pregnancy 33 $3,587
Semen 9 $644
Bull 6 $3,050
Cow 3 $14,067
Heifer 3 $5,533

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $25,000 Cow Airhart 577
2 $10,000 Cow Milk Man
2b $23,000 Bred Cow Red Hawk
2c $20,000 Bred Cow Solid gold
2d $27,000 Bred Cow Airhart Out There
3 $11,500 Bred Cow Jakes Proud Jazz
3a $5,900 Bred Cow Hammer Down
3b $7,100 Bred Cow Hammer Down
4 $17,000 Bred Cow True Grit
4a $2,250 Bred Heifer Airhart Combo
4aa $1,350 Embryo Mimms 377
4b $1,950 Bred Heifer Airhart Combo
4bb $1,200 Bred Cow Airhart King of Harts
4c $2,000 Bred Heifer Airhart Combo
5 $7,300 Bred Cow HL Lovin 620
6 $7,200 Cow Sponge Bob
7 $5,200 Bred Cow Hoo Doo Charolais
8 $7,000 Bred Cow Milk Man
8a $4,800 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
8aa $3,000 Pregnancy In God We Trust
8bb $2,200 Pregnancy In God We Trust
8cc $900 Embryo Hi HO Silver
9 $3,800 Bred Cow Troubadour
10 $1,900 Bred Cow Paddy Omalley
11 $1,700 Bred Cow Who's Pete
12 $1,900 Bred Cow Red Rooster
14 $4,200 Bred Cow Airhart 577
14a $4,700 Bred Cow Red Rooster
14b $2,300 Bred Cow Red Rooster
15 $1,800 Bred Cow Airhart Frog
16 $4,500 Bred Cow Hef
17 $1,800 Bred Cow TJ
18 $3,300 Bred Cow Heat Wave
19 $8,000 Bred Cow Lovin the Business
20 $2,200 Bred Cow Troubadour
21 $13,400 Bred Cow Monopoly
22 $25,000 Bred Cow Free Bird
23 $2,800 Bred Cow Big Deal
24 $4,700 Bred Cow Bold Stock
25 $5,200 Bred Cow No Free Rides
26 $4,800 Bred Cow REMINGTON LOCK N LOAD 54U
26A $5,000 Bred Heifer HL Lovin the Business
26B $3,400 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
26C $4,600 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
26D $2,800 Bred Heifer Red Rooster
27 $4,200 Bred Cow LLSF Uprising Z925
27A $3,000 Bred Heifer Man Among Boys
27B $3,000 Bred Heifer Smokin Bob
28 $2,500 Bred Cow No Free Rides
29 $3,600 Bred Heifer H12
29a $10,200 Bred Heifer Right On Time
29b $3,000 Bred Heifer Right On Time
30 $4,900 Bred Heifer COC Easy Jett
30A $5,900 Bred Heifer Hwy 36
30B $4,300 Bred Heifer Kalija
31 $3,300 Bred Heifer Right On Time
32 $3,900 Bred Heifer Right On
33 $3,000 Bred Heifer Kalija
34 $1,950 Bred Heifer Right On Time
34A $900 Embryo Kalija
34B $900 Embryo Kalija
35 $2,000 Bred Heifer Right n Front
35A $8,750 Bred Heifer BH Legacy
35B $2,900 Bred Heifer BH Legacy
35C $13,000 Bred Heifer BH Legacy
36 $2,900 Bred Heifer Right On
37 $3,600 Bred Heifer BH Legacy
38 $2,000 Bred Heifer Hwy 36
39 $2,800 Bred Heifer Hwy 36
40 $6,500 Bred Heifer COC Easy Jett
41 $1,800 Bred Cow H12
42 $2,000 Bred Cow Henry
43 $1,600 Bred Cow Henry
44 $4,200 Bred Cow Legacy
45 $7,000 Bred Cow Solid Gold
46 $21,500 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
46a $4,500 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
46b $11,000 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
47a $8,500 Heifer Here I Am
47b $3,100 Heifer Solid Gold
47c $5,000 Heifer HL Business Done Right
48 $5,000 Bred Heifer Smokin Bob
49 $2,800 Bred Heifer No Free Rides
49A $29,500 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
49B $2,200 Bred Heifer Smokin Bob
50 $3,000 Bred Heifer Dakota Gold
51 $1,600 Bred Heifer Exit 174
51a $1,800 Bred Heifer Heat Wave
51b $2,400 Bred Heifer Fort Knox
52 $8,000 Bred Heifer TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET
52a $2,800 Bred Heifer FSF STARBURST 058
52b $2,500 Bred Heifer FSF STARBURST 058
52c $18,000 Bred Heifer FSF STARBURST 058
52d $2,300 Bred Heifer HL Business Done Right
53 $3,000 Bred Heifer 78
54A $2,200 Bred Heifer Cunia
54B $2,200 Bred Heifer Cunia
54C $2,500 Bred Heifer OlYeller
54D $1,600 Bred Heifer OlYeller
55 $1,800 Bred Heifer Chive
56a $2,200 Bred Heifer Airhart King of Harts
56b $4,100 Bred Heifer Airhart King of Harts
57 $4,500 Bred Heifer Solid Gold
57A $3,400 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
57B $7,500 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
57C $4,100 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
58 $14,500 Bred Heifer Milk Man
58A $3,100 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
58B $2,400 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
58C $1,600 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
58D $2,000 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
58E $4,300 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
59 $2,000 Bred Heifer Airhart King of Harts
60 $1,800 Bred Heifer Man Up
61 $1,800 Bred Heifer Cashin Out
62 $3,000 Bred Heifer Airhart King of Harts
63 $4,400 Bred Heifer Easy Does It
64 $6,000 Bred Heifer Rock Star
65 $3,000 Bred Heifer GCC Unwound
66 $1,800 Bred Heifer GCC Unwound
67 $2,800 Bred Heifer GCC Goose
68 $1,700 Bred Heifer Wall Street
69 $2,400 Bred Heifer Wall Street
70 $4,400 Bred Heifer Airhart 461
71 $9,300 Bred Heifer Solid Gold
72 $3,750 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
73 $3,000 Bred Heifer Free Bird
74 $4,100 Bred Heifer Solid Gold
75 $3,900 Bred Heifer Heat Wave son
75a $1,800 Bred Heifer Warning Shot
75b $1,700 Bred Heifer Monopoly
76 $3,700 Bred Heifer HL Business Done Right
77 $5,400 Bred Heifer Solid Gold
78 $2,100 Bred Heifer Smokin Bob
78a $6,600 Bred Heifer HL Business Done Right
78b $1,900 Bred Heifer Airhart Combo
79 $3,750 Bred Heifer Milk Man
79a $3,400 Bred Heifer Hef
79b $1,800 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
79c $3,200 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
79d $2,300 Bred Heifer Airhart 6084
80 $7,900 Bred Heifer Solid Gold
81 $2,100 Bred Heifer Thunder
82 $8,700 Bred Heifer HL Business Done Right
83a $3,800 Bred Heifer HL Business Done Right
83b $1,600 Bred Heifer Airhart King of Harts
83c $1,600 Bred Heifer Airhart King of Harts
83d $1,800 Bred Heifer All Day
83e $1,950 Bred Heifer All Day
83f $1,950 Bred Heifer All Day
83g $1,950 Bred Heifer All Day
83h $1,800 Bred Heifer All Day
83j $1,800 Bred Heifer All Day
84 $1,900 Bred Heifer Gold Dust
85 $4,500 Bred Heifer Exit 174
85A $8,100 Bred Heifer Milk Truck
85B $13,250 Bred Heifer Solid Gold
86 $1,600 Bred Heifer Goldmine
87 $1,800 Bred Heifer Red Rooster
87A $8,000 Bred Heifer Pump Daddy
87B $8,000 Bred Heifer Two Tone
87C $1,900 Bred Heifer Pump Daddy
88a $1,800 Bred Heifer Red Raider
88b $2,400 Bred Heifer Red Raider
88C $2,900 Bred Heifer Monopoly
89 $3,800 Bred Heifer Easy Does It
90 $2,000 Bred Heifer Charolais
91 $2,900 Bred Heifer Airhart Out There
92A $2,300 Bred Heifer Believe in Me
92B $2,900 Bred Heifer Lifeline
93 $2,000 Bred Heifer FSF STARBURST 058
94 $1,900 Bred Heifer Hoo Doo son
95 $3,000 Bred Heifer Choppin Wood
96 $1,900 Bred Heifer Mr Driven
97 $1,600 Bred Heifer Not Listed
98 $1,600 Bred Heifer Not Listed
99 $1,600 Bred Heifer Not Listed
100 $2,800 Bull HL Business Done Right
101 $3,000 Bull Hef
102 $3,500 Bull No Free Rides
103 $4,000 Bull Goldmine
104 $1,200 Bull Airhart Combo
105 $3,800 Bull Hef
200a $6,000 Pregnancy In God We Trust
200b $5,800 Pregnancy In God We Trust
200c $1,500 Embryo In God We Trust
200d $1,500 Embryo In God We Trust
201a $1,300 Embryo Here I Am
201b $1,000 Embryo Monopoly
201c $1,000 Embryo Fu Man Chu
201D $5,300 Pregnancy Fu Man Chu
201E $2,625 Pregnancy Monopoly
201F $2,400 Embryo Solid Gold
201G $2,400 Embryo Getcha Some
201H $2,700 Embryo In God We Trust
202A $2,325 Embryo H12
202b $3,300 Pregnancy Getcha Some
202c $7,500 Pregnancy Solid Gold
202d $3,200 Pregnancy Getcha Some
202e $3,400 Pregnancy Here I Am
202f $2,800 Pregnancy Monopoly
202g $4,200 Pregnancy Monopoly
202h $2,700 Embryo Here I Am
202j $2,700 Embryo In God We Trust
202k $2,700 Embryo Solid Gold
203a $3,450 Embryo Right On Time
203b $3,000 Embryo COC Easy Jett
204 $2,100 Embryo Irish Whiskey
204a $1,800 Embryo Carpe Diem
204b $1,800 Embryo Kalija
205 $4,700 Pregnancy Red Rocky
205A $2,500 Pregnancy Solid Gold
205B $900 Embryo Airhart Out There
205C $975 Embryo Crimson Tide
205D $900 Embryo Crimson Tide
206a $2,750 Pregnancy Solid Gold
206b $2,750 Pregnancy Solid Gold
206C $2,100 Embryo Red Rocky
206D $675 Embryo No Surprise
207a $2,500 Pregnancy Texas Tea
207b $900 Embryo Good As Gold
207c $900 Embryo Fort Knox
208a $4,500 Embryo Irish Whiskey
208b $4,500 Embryo Irish Whiskey
208c $2,700 Embryo Irish Whiskey
208D $1,350 Embryo Smokin Bob
208E $2,625 Embryo Indian Outlaw
209a $1,200 Embryo Little Sure Shot
209b $2,400 Embryo Crimson Tide
209C $1,875 Embryo Crimson Tide
210 $2,100 Embryo HL Paid in Full
210A $3,600 Pregnancy Red Rocky
210B $2,475 Embryo Red Rocky
210C $2,475 Embryo Red Rocky
211a $1,800 Embryo Blood Diamond
211b $2,400 Embryo HL Business Done Right
212 $3,200 Embryo HL Business Done Right
212A $2,100 Embryo Texas Tea
212B $2,100 Embryo Texas Tea
212C $2,100 Embryo Smokin Bob
213a $3,500 Embryo Blood Diamond
213b $4,500 Embryo Blood Diamond
213C $2,250 Embryo In God We Trust
214a $6,500 Pregnancy Exit 174
214b $2,250 Pregnancy Exit 174
214c $1,950 Embryo Exit 174
214d $2,700 Embryo Here I Am
215 $3,000 Embryo H12
215A $5,200 Pregnancy Monopoly
215B $2,900 Pregnancy Solid Gold
216 $2,550 Embryo Right on Time
217a $2,700 Embryo Blood Diamond
217b $2,550 Embryo HL Paid in Full
217C $2,800 Pregnancy Monopoly
217D $3,150 Embryo Getcha Some
217E $3,000 Embryo Monopoly
218a $1,800 Embryo HL Business Done Right
218b $1,350 Embryo HL Paid in Full
219a $3,000 Pregnancy Here I Am
219b $1,800 Embryo Monopoly
219c $1,725 Embryo Heat Wave
219D $1,200 Embryo Kalija
220 $3,700 Pregnancy Red Rocky
220a $2,400 Embryo Monopoly
220b $2,025 Embryo Red Rocky
221 $3,100 Pregnancy Monopoly
221a $2,100 Embryo Here I Am
221b $1,875 Embryo Here I Am
222a $3,700 Pregnancy Texas Tea
222b $2,200 Pregnancy Texas Tea
222c $4,000 Pregnancy Smokin Bob
222d $2,200 Pregnancy Smokin Bob
222e $900 Embryo Smilin Bob
222f $1,200 Embryo Smokin Bob
223a $2,300 Pregnancy Texas Tea
223b $2,200 Pregnancy Texas Tea
223c $750 Embryo Sugar Bear
223d $750 Embryo Smokin Bob
224 $3,225 Embryo HL Business Done Right
224a $4,200 Pregnancy Here I Am
224b $4,200 Embryo Here I Am
224c $4,200 Embryo Here I Am
225a $1,500 Embryo Hi Ho Silver
225b $1,500 Embryo Hi Ho Silver
225c $3,150 Embryo Jakes Proud Jazz
301 $625 Semen Exit 174
302 $625 Semen Exit 174
303 $650 Semen Exit 174
304 $650 Semen Exit 174
305 $650 Semen Exit 174
306 $650 Semen Exit 174
307 $650 Semen Exit 174
308 $650 Semen Exit 174
309 $650 Semen Exit 174