Cowle's Pleasant Hill Farms March Madness Sale 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Bull 66 $2,981

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $2,400 Bull GRC Paul 2382 of 1059 6I6
2 $4,200 Bull Connealy Right Answer 746
3 $3,500 Bull Connealy Right Answer 746
4 $2,400 Bull SAF Connection
5 $4,400 Bull Oak Hollow 7709 of 1318 1118
6 $4,000 Bull S A V Bismarck 5682
8 $2,700 Bull Oak Hollow 7709 of 1318 1118
9 $2,600 Bull EXAR Tryon 71204
10 $2,400 Bull LS 904 of 470 Bando 1961
11 $4,300 Bull TC Aberdeen 759
12 $2,500 Bull S A V Final Answer 0035
13 $4,400 Bull TC Aberdeen 759
14 $4,000 Bull ECC Cornerstone 297
15 $4,000 Bull S Chisum 6175
18 $4,300 Bull S A V Bismarck 5682
19 $2,300 Bull GRC Total Package 504
20 $4,300 Bull Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre
22 $2,300 Bull B C Lookout 7024
23 $2,050 Bull GRC Magnificent 2268 of 2097
24 $1,900 Bull LCC New Design G257M
25 $1,850 Bull PVF Windfall SCC 9005
28 $1,950 Bull HSAF Bando 1961
29 $3,000 Bull MCATL Pure Product 903-55
30 $5,400 Bull MCATL Pure Product 903-55
31 $2,300 Bull MCATL Pure Product 903-55
32 $2,800 Bull B C Lookout 7024
33 $3,000 Bull BSAR Opportunity 9114
34 $8,000 Bull EXAR Tryon 71204
35 $3,600 Bull EXAR Tryon 71204
36 $4,000 Bull EXAR Tryon 71204
37 $3,000 Bull EXAR Tryon 71204
38 $2,200 Bull B C Lookout 7024
39 $1,950 Bull B C Lookout 7024
40 $2,000 Bull EXAR Tryon 71204
41 $3,000 Bull EXAR Tryon 71204
42 $2,300 Bull LF Dream Doctor
43 $2,800 Bull TNT Ever Ready R232
44 $2,500 Bull TRIPLE C BETTIS S72J
45 $2,500 Bull GLS Combination R2
47 $2,800 Bull LF Dream Doctor
48 $2,500 Bull LF Dream Doctor
49 $2,500 Bull M2C ALKALINE 37W
50 $2,300 Bull Leachman Prowess G136T
52 $3,500 Bull TRIPLE C BETTIS S72J
53 $2,300 Bull Nichols Manifest T79
54 $3,700 Bull TRIPLE C BETTIS S72J
55 $2,700 Bull CLO LTS ENTOURAGE 72T
56 $2,800 Bull TNT Ever Ready R232
57 $2,100 Bull LF Dream Doctor
58 $2,800 Bull LF Dream Doctor
59 $4,000 Bull LF Dream Doctor
60 $3,000 Bull LF Dream Doctor
61 $2,500 Bull LF Dream Doctor
62 $2,600 Bull LF Dream Doctor
63 $3,000 Bull WAGR Driver 706T
64 $4,000 Bull WAGR Driver 706T
65 $3,000 Bull Mr NLC Upgrade U8676
66 $2,600 Bull Welshs Dew It Right 067T
68 $2,000 Bull M2C ALKALINE 37W
69 $2,000 Bull CNS Dream On L186
70 $3,000 Bull Gordon
72 $2,300 Bull JF MILESTONE 999W
73 $1,950 Bull CNS PAYS TO DREAM T759
76 $1,600 Bull Meyer Ranch 734
77 $4,000 Bull SLC SOONER 101M
79 $2,100 Bull SLC SOONER 101M


44 Bulls sired by similar bulls averaged $3,205 between 3/24/2012 and 3/2/2013

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