Cates Farm Star Search XXII Sale 8-31-24

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Heifer 25 $19,830
Embryo 6 $4,000

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $105,000 Heifer CSF LONG LOOK HC 706 ET
1a $3,300 Embryo CF Payweight X ET
2a $12,000 Heifer TRN Omaha
2b $12,000 Heifer TRN Omaha
3a $18,000 Heifer CF S/F Upper Hand
3b $17,000 Heifer CF S/F Upper Hand
3c $2,000 Embryo TRN Omaha
4a $20,000 Heifer CF Solution X ET
4b $9,000 Heifer CF Solution X ET
5a $9,000 Heifer JSF Kane Cinch 61H
5b $7,000 Heifer JSF Kane Cinch 61H
6 $15,500 Heifer CF Payweight X
6a $1,500 Embryo SCC SCH 24 Karat 838
6b $2,200 Embryo CF Evolution
7a $6,000 Embryo SULL Ferrari
7b $9,000 Embryo SULL Ferrari
8a $12,000 Heifer Little Cedar Aviator
8b $7,000 Heifer CF CF S/F Ultimate Reward ET
9 $10,000 Heifer Colburn Primo 5153
10 $8,000 Heifer Sull Red Knight
11 $5,000 Heifer RGLC Sull Reverance 013
12 $40,000 Heifer SULL Red Reward 9321
13a $54,000 Heifer CSF Evolution HC
13b $7,500 Heifer CSF Evolution HC
13c $5,750 Heifer CSF Evolution HC
14 $17,000 Heifer Free K-Kim Hot Commodity
14a $60,000 Heifer Free K-Kim Hot Commodity
15 $15,000 Heifer Sull Red Knight
15a $11,000 Heifer Sull Red Knight
16 $9,500 Heifer Sull Red Knight
17 $9,500 Heifer SCC SCH 24 Karat 838


33 Heifers sired by similar bulls averaged $19,374 between 9/2/2023 and 4/9/2024

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