Bobo Cattle Complete Dispersion 2015

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Embryo 58 $389
Bred Cow 35 $4,857
Heifer 26 $3,779
Bred Heifer 25 $5,390
Pregnancy 4 $3,300
Bull 2 $54,000
Pair 1 $4,250

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $24,500 Bred Cow O C C Juneau 807J
1A $2,500 Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
1B $4,750 Bred heifer Coleman Regis 904
2 $20,000 Bred Heifer Leachman Right Time
3 $15,500 Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
4 $8,000 Bull S A V Final Answer 0035
5 $100,000 Bull R R Rito 707
6 $6,000 Bred Cow Sitz Rainmaker 6169
6A $3,750 Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
7 $6,750 Bred Cow N Bar Emulation EXT
7A $2,750 Heifer Coleman Manning 0299
8 $6,500 Bred Cow Coleman Regis 904
8A $5,000 Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
9 $4,500 Bred Cow Coleman Rainmaker 9170
9A $3,250 Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
10 $7,000 Bred Cow Coleman Regis 904
10A $7,500 Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
11 $3,000 Bred Cow Mytty ForeFront 77P
11A $2,750 Heifer Sitz Dash 10277
12 $4,000 Bred Cow Mytty ForeFront 77P
12A $3,250 Heifer Sitz Dash 10277
13 $4,250 Bred Cow Mytty ForeFront 77P
13A $1,500 Heifer Sitz Dash 10277
14 $4,000 Bred Cow Mytty Thunderstruck
14A $2,000 Heifer Sitz Dash 10277
15 $4,250 Bred Cow Mytty Thunderstruck
15A $3,250 Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
16 $5,000 Bred Cow Coleman Regis 904
16A $2,500 Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
17 $5,500 Bred Cow Coleman Regis 904
17A $3,500 Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
18 $4,250 Bred Cow Connealy Thunder
18A $2,250 Heifer S A V Final Answer 0035
19 $5,500 Bred Cow Connealy Packer 547
19A $5,000 Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
20 $4,250 Pair Mytty in Focus
21 $3,000 Heifer Mohnen South Dakota 402
22 $7,000 Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
23 $1,750 Heifer S A V Final Answer 0035
24 $3,000 Heifer Leachman Right Time
25 $2,250 Heifer Coleman Manning 0299
26 $3,750 Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
27 $3,000 Heifer S A V Final Answer 0035
28 $2,250 Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
29 $4,750 Heifer O C C Juneau 807J
30 $1,250 Heifer CCC Detour 1007
31 $3,750 Bred Cow Mytty ForeFront 77P
32 $4,250 Bred Cow Mytty ForeFront 77P
33 $3,750 Bred Cow Mytty ForeFront 77P
34 $4,000 Bred Cow S A V Final Answer 0035
35 $3,000 Bred Cow GDAR Game Day 449
36 $3,500 Bred Cow GDAR Game Day 449
37 $2,750 Bred Cow Q A S Traveler 23-4
38 $4,500 Bred Cow Connealy Thunder
39 $4,000 Bred Cow Coleman Regis 904
40 $3,750 Bred Cow O C C Jet Stream 825J
41 $4,250 Bred Cow O C C Paxton 730P
42 $4,750 Bred Cow S A F Focus of E R
43 $4,250 Bred Cow B A R Ext Traveler 205
44 $3,000 Bred Cow Mytty in Focus
45 $3,000 Bred Cow Sitz Alliance 6595
46 $4,250 Bred Cow Mytty Thunderstruck
47 $3,000 Bred Cow Mytty Thunderstruck
48 $2,500 Bred Cow Q A S Traveler 23-4
49 $4,250 Bred Cow GDAR Game Day 449
50 $4,500 Bred Cow O C C Great Plains 943G
51 $8,000 Bred Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
52 $6,500 Bred Heifer Coleman Charlo 0256
53 $6,500 Bred Heifer Coleman Manning 0299
54 $10,500 Bred Heifer O C C Unmistakable 946U
55 $5,500 Bred Heifer S A V Final Answer 0035
56 $4,000 Bred Heifer S A V Final Answer 0035
57 $3,500 Bred Heifer GDAR Game Day 449
58 $4,000 Bred Heifer Summitcrest Focus 2U66
59 $4,500 Bred Heifer Boyd New Day 8005
60 $4,000 Bred Heifer Summitcrest Focus 2U66
61 $3,500 Bred Heifer Kesslers Frontman R001
62 $3,500 Bred Heifer D H D Traveler 6807
63 $3,750 Bred Heifer D H D Traveler 6807
64 $2,500 Bred Heifer D H D Traveler 6807
65 $3,500 Bred Heifer S A V Final Answer 0035
66 $4,750 Bred Heifer O C C Unmistakable 946U
67 $3,750 Bred Heifer Boyd New Day 8005
68 $3,750 Bred Heifer Summitcrest Focus 2U66
69 $8,000 Bred Heifer S A V Brilliance 8077
70 $3,750 Bred Heifer T A M Hydro 1171
71 $3,250 Bred Heifer CCC Detour 1007
72 $5,500 Bred Heifer CCC Merritt 030
73 $3,500 Bred Heifer Not Listed
75 $3,250 Pregnancy Coleman Charlo 0256
75E $3,750 Pregnancy Coleman Charlo 0256
76 $3,000 Pregnancy Coleman Knight 209
79C $3,200 Pregnancy Coleman Knight 209
80 $400 Embryo Coleman Charlo 0256
81 $300 Embryo Coleman Regis 904
82a $425 Embryo S A V Final Answer 0035
82b $350 Embryo Sitz Rainmaker 6169
82D $350 Embryo Coleman Charlo 0256
82E $400 Embryo Coleman Charlo 0256
83A $350 Embryo GDAR Game Day 449
83B $400 Embryo GDAR Game Day 449
83G $450 Embryo GDAR Game Day 449
84A $350 Embryo Coleman Regis 904
84B $350 Embryo Coleman Regis 904
84C $350 Embryo Coleman Regis 904
85A $400 Embryo S A V Final Answer 0035
85B $300 Embryo Mytty Thunderstruck
85C $350 Embryo Coleman Regis 904
85D $300 Embryo Coleman Regis 904
85E $400 Embryo Coleman Charlo 0256
85F $425 Embryo Coleman Charlo 0256
86 $300 Embryo Boyd New Day 8005
86I $325 Embryo Coleman Regis 904
87 $475 Embryo Coleman Charlo 0256
88A $300 Embryo Coleman Regis 904
88B $500 Embryo S A V Resource 1441
90 $550 Embryo BT Right Time 24J
91 $600 Embryo Coleman Charlo 0256
92 $550 Embryo Coleman Charlo 0256
93 $400 Embryo S A V Final Answer 0035
94 $650 Embryo Leachman Right Time
95 $450 Embryo V D A R Really Windy 4097
96 $425 Embryo Baldridge Waylong W34
97 $350 Embryo EXAR Denver 2002B
98 $400 Embryo Soo Line Motive 9016
99 $500 Embryo O C C Paxton 730P
100A $450 Embryo Connealy Black Granite
100B $800 Embryo S A V Resource 1441
101 $500 Embryo Connealy Black Granite
102 $300 Embryo D H D Traveler 6807
103 $300 Embryo O C C Emblazon 854E
104A $200 Embryo Connealy THunder
104B $200 Embryo Connealy THunder
104C $300 Embryo Mytty ForeFront 77P
104D $300 Embryo S A V Final Answer 0035
104E $290 Embryo S A V Final Answer 0035
104F $500 Embryo Sitz Upward 307R
104G $600 Embryo Buford Bluestem 9974
105A $450 Embryo Coleman Charlo 0256
105B $750 Embryo Boyd New Day 8005
106A $750 Embryo Mytty Thunderstruck
106B $750 Embryo Mytty Thunderstruck
106C $200 Embryo CCC Merritt 030
107 $300 Embryo Wulffs EXT 6106
108 $400 Embryo LCC New Standard
109 $200 Embryo Coleman Charlo 0256
110A $100 Embryo Coleman Charlo 0256
110B $100 Embryo GDAR Game Day 449
111A $100 Embryo GDAR Game Day 449
111B $150 Embryo N Bar Emulation EXT
112 $125 Embryo Boyd New Day 8005


2 Embryos sired by similar bulls averaged $325 between 1/16/2015 and 1/16/2015