Bases Loaded Angus Sale 1-15-19

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Heifer 23 $21,043
Pregnancy 19 $18,553
Semen 1 $5,000
Embryo 1 $2,000
Flush 1 $100,000

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $5,000 Semen JINDRA ACCLAIM
2 $55,000 Heifer EXAR MONUMENTAL 6056B
3 $18,000 Pregnancy JINDRA ACCLAIM
4 $30,000 Heifer BYERGO BLACK MAGIC 3348
5b $16,000 Pregnancy Spring Cove Reno 4021
5c $17,500 Pregnancy Jindra Stonewall
6 $100,000 Flush GAR Prophet
7 $7,000 Heifer BYERGO BLACK MAGIC 3348
8 $16,000 Pregnancy BYERGO BLACK MAGIC 3348
9 $12,000 Pregnancy JINDRA ACCLAIM
10 $25,000 Pregnancy BAR R JET BLACK 5063
11 $37,500 Heifer EXAR MONUMENTAL 6056B
12 $13,000 Heifer EXAR MONUMENTAL 6056B
13 $19,500 Heifer EXAR Stud
14 $7,500 Heifer HA COWBOY UP 5405
15 $20,000 Pregnancy VAR POWER PLAY 7018
16 $20,000 Heifer EXAR MONUMENTAL 6056B
17 $30,000 Heifer BYERGO BLACK MAGIC 3348
18 $9,500 Heifer AAR Ten X 7008 SA
19 $25,000 Pregnancy STEVENSON BIG LEAGUE 70749
20 $10,000 Pregnancy KCF BENNETT FORTRESS
21a $16,000 Pregnancy Spring Cove Reno 4021
22b $7,500 Heifer EXAR Blue Chip 1877B
23 $10,000 Heifer PVF Surveillance 4129
24 $17,000 Heifer 3F Epic 4631
25 $20,000 Pregnancy VAR Legend 5019
26 $25,000 Pregnancy VAR POWER PLAY 7018
27a $10,000 Pregnancy JINDRA ACCLAIM
27b $12,000 Pregnancy Bubs Southern Charm AA31
28 $31,000 Heifer BYERGO BLACK MAGIC 3348
29 $15,000 Heifer Plattemere Weigh UP K360
30a $22,500 Heifer JINDRA ACCLAIM
30b $15,000 Pregnancy Hoover No Doubt
31b $11,000 Pregnancy Spring Cove Reno 4021
32 $30,000 Heifer PA Valor 201
33 $25,000 Heifer EXAR Hi-Tech
34 $2,000 Embryo Sydgen Enhance
35 $15,000 Heifer JVC Cavalry V3326
36a $40,000 Pregnancy Sydgen Enhance
37 $25,000 Heifer BYERGO BLACK MAGIC 3348
38a $10,000 Heifer BALDRIDGE COLONEL C251
39 $27,000 Pregnancy BAR R JET BLACK 5063
40 $25,000 Heifer Conley Express 7211


2 Heifers sired by similar bulls averaged $12,000 between 1/20/2018 and 3/24/2018

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