BBB Genetics Spring Thaw Online Semen Sale 3-17-15

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Semen 16 $207
Sexed Semen 8 $136

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $501 Semen WS Pilgrim H182U
2 $250 Semen Turning Point
3 $325 Sexed Semen Flying B Cut Above
4 $225 Semen LLSF Uprising Z925
5 $375 Semen Meyer Ranch 734
6 $175 Sexed Semen Mamas Boy
7 $20 Semen Mamas Boy
8 $100 Sexed Semen SS/PRS HIGH VOLTAGE 244X
9 $140 Sexed Semen WAGR Driver 706T
10 $100 Semen WAGR Driver 706T
11 $375 Semen Whiplash
12 $50 Semen S O S
13 $20 Semen GF Maximus
14 $100 Sexed Semen Limestone Trifecta 714
15 $50 Sexed Semen Backlash
16 $50 Sexed Semen Power 2 Change
17 $225 Semen Friction
18 $175 Semen Lut
19 $150 Sexed Semen Tour of Duty
20 $125 Semen Northern Improvement 4480 GF
21 $50 Semen O C C Anchor
22 $75 Semen DCC New Look
23 $375 Semen The Answer
24 $375 Semen S A V Traveler