Missouri (South Central) Weekly Cattle Summary

Archived Report


Total Run: 5,145

Market Notes

Compared to last week, early week feeder calves 6.00 to 12.00 higher, yearlings 4.00 to 6.00 higher and late week steers uneven from 6.00 lower to 4.00 higher and heifers steady spots 4.00 to 8.00 higher under 425 lbs. Slaughter cows and bulls steady to 6.00 higher.

Supply included: 82% Feeder Cattle (48% Steers, 48% Heifers, 4% Bulls); 12% Slaughter Cattle (86% Cows, 14% Bulls); 5% Replacement Cattle (31% Stock Cows, 43% Bred Cows, 9% Bred Heifers, 14% Cow-Calf Pairs, 4% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 28%.

LIVESTOCK SUMMARY Current Week Last Reported 4/3/2023 Last Year Total Receipts: 5,145 3,842 3,652 Feeder Cattle: 4,231(82.2%) 3,146(81.9%) 2,508(68.7%) Slaughter Cattle: 632(12.3%) 399(10.4%) 734(20.1%) Replacement Cattle: 282(5.5%) 297(7.7%) 410(11.2%)

Feeder Steers

Weight Min Avg Max Approx*
200-300 $--
300-400 262.5 276 292 $965
400-500 252.5 266 285 $1,196
500-600 $--
600-700 $--
700-800 $--

Feeder Heifers

Weight Min Avg Max Approx*
200-300 $--
300-400 $--
400-500 $--
500-600 $--
600-700 $--
700-800 $--

*Approx is the middle weight of the weight group multiplied by the mid point of the high and low for the group. It's meant as a quick method to see what cattle of that weight class are bringing per head.

Cows & Bulls

Type Min Avg Max
Slaughter Bulls $75 $113 $134
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