Paris Stockyards

Archived Report


Total Run: 2,408

Market Notes

Compared to last week feeder steers sold unevenly steady. Feeder heifers sold steady-2.00 higher. Slaughter cows sold 2.00-4.00 higher, Slaughter bulls sold 3.00-4.00 higher. There was good demand for all feeder cattle, with good offerings and good buyer activity this week. Buyers showed good interest in weaned steers and heifers with favorable condition.

Supply included: 93% Feeder Cattle (44% Steers, 2% Dairy Steers, 49% Heifers, 5% Bulls); 6% Slaughter Cattle (2% Heifers, 82% Cows, 16% Bulls); 0% Replacement Cattle (57% Bred Cows, 29% Bred Heifers, 14% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 52%. Steers Heifers Groups of 20 head or more. Groups of 20 head or more. 34 head 565 lbs 238.00 Blk 23 head 541 lbs 192.00 Blk 26 head 573 lbs 233.00 Blk & CharX 86 head 548 lbs 206.60 Blk & CharX 52 head 630 lbs 215.00 Blk & CharX 60 head 563 lbs 195.00 Blk & CharX 25 head 648 lbs 217.50 Blk 90 head 619 lbs 196.75 Blk & CharX 23 head 696 lbs 192.00 Blk & CharX 57 head 631 lbs 186.25 Blk few CharX 20 head 706 lbs 188.00 CharX 64 head 755 lbs 172.70 Blk & CharX 20 head 709 lbs 186.50 Blk 62 head 726 lbs 195.00 Blk 28 head 751 lbs 187.50 Blk Holstein 24 head 677 lbs 140.50 Holst AUCTION This Week Last Reported 3/9/2023 Last Year Total Receipts: 2,408 2,620 2,228 Feeder Cattle: 2,248(93.4%) 2,330(88.9%) 1,996(89.6%) Slaughter Cattle: 150(6.2%) 140(5.3%) 167(7.5%) Replacement Cattle: 10(0.4%) 150(5.7%) 65(2.9%)

Feeder Steers

Weight Min Avg Max Approx*
200-300 255 278 285 $694
300-400 228 257 300 $900
400-500 210 240 280 $1,080
500-600 $--
600-700 $--
700-800 $--

Feeder Heifers

Weight Min Avg Max Approx*
200-300 $--
300-400 $--
400-500 $--
500-600 $--
600-700 $--
700-800 $--

*Approx is the middle weight of the weight group multiplied by the mid point of the high and low for the group. It's meant as a quick method to see what cattle of that weight class are bringing per head.

Cows & Bulls

Type Min Avg Max
Slaughter Bulls $107 $129 $150
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Paris, Kentucky