How I Met His Mother

The statewide races in Texas are pretty much a foregone conclusion but I live in a house district that is tightly contested so I made the one block walk over to the elementary school to vote yesterday.

As always, there was a group of people standing right outside the clearly marked campaign boundary line doing their thing.  An old Hispanic lady was campaigning for one of the district attorneys running for office here in the San Antonio area asked me to vote for him.

“I can’t, he seems pretty dirty to me” I replied.  I said that in part because he was convicted for selling drugs when he was younger.  I believe people can redeem themselves but getting convicted of selling ecstasy does exclude you from certain future jobs, district attorney of a decent sized city being one of those jobs.

He’s also take crap tons of money from a personal injury lawyer in Corpus Christi.  That seems all sorts of wrong to me.  Thomas J. Henry is a pretty sharp dude and there are a lot better ways to fight child abuse (his stated reason for the contribution) than giving over a million dollars to the district attorney’s race in a city nearly 100 miles away.

“God bless, have a nice day”

Mainly because on site campaigners annoy me, again I popped off, “Nobody gives $1.2 million dollars to the campaign of a DA in a city two hours away for no reason.  Dude is dirty” as I continued to walk past.

She replied in a surprisingly unoffended tone “sir, my son is a man of god”

And that, newly elected Bexar County district attorney Nicolas LaHood, is how I met your mother.