Jewels of the Northland Simmental and Sim Angus 2015

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Bred Heifer 32 $4,939
Heifer 32 $6,315
Embryo 21 $1,390
Bull 4 $3,375
Cow 3 $13,000
Pregnancy 3 $3,683
Bred Cow 2 $4,075
Flush 1 $12,000

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $20,000 Cow SVF Steel Force S701
1B $900 Embryo WS Revival
1C $800 Embryo W/C Executive Order 8543B
2 $7,500 Cow SVF Star Power S802
2A $1,050 Embryo W/C No Remorse 763Y
3 $11,500 Cow CNS Dream On L186
3A $4,200 Heifer W/C Wide Track 694Y
3B $300 Embryo W/C No Remorse 763Y
4 $25,000 Bred Heifer LLSF Uprising Z925
5 $8,000 Bred Heifer GLS New Direction X184
6 $2,600 Bred Heifer Felt Next Big Thing
7 $1,300 Embryo W/C BF Innocent Man
7A $1,400 Embryo LLSF Uprising Z925
7B $500 Embryo STF Dominance T171
8 $10,750 Bred Heifer SVF Steel Force S701
8B $850 Embryo W/C Executive Order 8543B
8C $1,000 Embryo LLSF Uprising Z925
9 $7,000 Heifer WLE Uno Mas X549
10 $5,750 Heifer W/C United 956Y
11 $4,500 Heifer Sandeen Upper Class 2386
11A $3,500 Heifer Sandeen Upper Class 2386
12 $3,750 Heifer Heads Up 20X ET
12A $800 Embryo FBF1 Combustible
13 $4,000 Heifer W/C Lock Down 206Z
14 $10,500 Heifer FBF1 Combustible
15 $5,750 Bred Cow Mr HOC Broker
16 $3,600 Bred Heifer HS Work Force X427
17 $6,520 Heifer W/C Lock Down 206Z
17A $2,100 Heifer W/C Lock Down 206Z
18 $2,400 Heifer Remington Lock n Load 54U
19 $13,500 Heifer LLSF Uprising Z925
20 $4,750 Heifer Sandeen Upper Class 2386
21 $6,000 Heifer I-80
21A $3,250 Heifer I-80
22 $15,500 Heifer LLSF Uprising Z925
22A $14,000 Embryo LLSF Uprising Z925
23 $3,500 Heifer Sandeen Upper Class 2386
23A $500 Embryo Sandeen Upper Class 2386
24 $14,500 Heifer HILB Maverick A43
25 $3,700 Bred Heifer HS Work Force X427
26 $2,900 Bred Heifer Mr HOC Broker
27 $12,000 Flush CNS Dream On L186
27A $750 Embryo B C Lookout 7024
27B $1,200 Embryo W/C BF Innocent Man
27C $950 Embryo Chestnut Knock Out 204
28 $25,000 Heifer Silveiras S Sis GQ 2353
28A $6,500 Heifer Silveiras S Sis GQ 2353
29 $5,000 Heifer B C Lookout 7024
30 $12,500 Heifer Silveiras Watchout 0514
30a $2,800 Bred Heifer Silveiras Watchout 0514
31 $2,500 Bred Heifer PVF ALL Payday 729
32 $3,500 Heifer GLS Interstate Z3
33 $6,000 Heifer Remington Lock n Load 54U
34 $12,000 Bred Heifer PVF ALL Payday 729
35 $3,100 Bred Heifer Mr NLC Upgrade U8676
36 $11,750 Bred Heifer CNS Pays to Dream T759
37 $2,500 Heifer WLTR Renegade 40U ET
38 $3,700 Bred Heifer SVF/NJC Mo Better M217
39 $3,300 Bred Heifer LLSF Uprising Z925
40 $2,900 Bred Heifer Flying B Cut Above
41 $8,000 Bred Heifer W/C Wide Track 694Y
42 $6,400 Heifer EXAR Upshot 0562B
43A $300 Embryo JF Milestone 999W
43B $4,250 Pregnancy W/C No Remorse 763Y
43C $2,800 Pregnancy JF Milestone 999W
43D $4,000 Pregnancy W/C Executive Order 8543B
44 $6,100 Bred Heifer TNT Ever Ready R232
45 $4,250 Bred Heifer W/C Wide Track 694Y
45a $500 Embryo TNT Ever Ready R232
46 $3,750 Bred Heifer STF Royal Affair Z44M
47 $2,900 Bred Heifer GLS Interstate Z3
49 $2,200 Heifer Silveiras S Sis GQ 2353
50 $4,000 Bred Heifer B C Lookout 7024
51 $2,800 Bred Heifer HS Work Force X427
52 $2,700 Bred Heifer PVF ALL Payday 729
53 $3,000 Bred Heifer B C Lookout 7024
54 $2,750 Bred Heifer LLSF Uprising Z925
55 $3,000 Heifer Monopoly
56 $2,500 Bred Heifer YARDLEY HIGH REGARD W242
57 $6,000 Bull W/C Lock Down 206Z
58 $3,300 Bull W/C Lock Down 206Z
59 $5,500 Heifer LLSF Uprising Z925
60 $2,600 Bred Heifer Ws A Step Up X27
61 $2,700 Bred Heifer Felt Next Big Thing
62 $3,750 Heifer W/C Wide Track 694Y
63 $2,400 Bred Cow Flying B Cut Above
64 $3,300 Bred Heifer GLS New Direction X184
65 $2,500 Heifer I-80
66 $600 Embryo Flying B Cut Above
66a $550 Embryo Mr NLC Upgrade U8676
67 $1,800 Bull EXAR Upshot 0562B
68 $2,400 Bull WS Pilgrim H182U
69 $3,000 Bred Heifer CNS Dream On L186
70 $2,500 Bred Heifer GLS Interstate Z3
71 $2,600 Bred Heifer HS Work Force X427
72 $2,500 Heifer K-Ler Make It Rain
72a $450 Embryo K-Ler Make It Rain


7 Bred Heifers sired by similar bulls averaged $5,679 between 12/13/2014 and 11/25/2015

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