Arthur Charolais Online Sale 4-19-17

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Information provided on this page is either collected while observing the sale, from third parties who attend the sales, or from the sale managers.  Some information is incorrect, incomplete, and lots pulled out of the sale are not known or denoted on this page.  These sale results are by no means an official sale report.

Status Lots Average
Semen 7 $51
Heifer 3 $1,800
Pregnancy 2 $3,625
Embryo 2 $350
Flush 2 $2,875

Lot # Price Description Sire
1 $3,000 Flush Tr Mr Fire Water 5792 RET
2 $2,750 Flush WC-WCCC Rocketfuel 7109
3 $4,000 Pregnancy M and M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD
4 $3,250 Pregnancy LT Rushmore 8060 Pld
5 $350 Embryo Tr Mr Fire Water 5792 RET
6 $350 Embryo CCC WC Resource 417P
7 $2,900 Heifer M&M Royce 2569 PLD ET
8 $1,250 Heifer M&M Bluegrass 2552 PLD ET
9 $1,250 Heifer M&M Bluegrass 2552 PLD ET
10A $51 Semen CCC Major Impact 613 P
10B $52 Semen CCC Major Impact 613 P
10C $51 Semen CCC Major Impact 613 P
10D $50 Semen CCC Major Impact 613 P
11A $100 Semen TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET
11B $32 Semen TR PZC Rapid Fire 9775 ET
11C $24 Semen DR Stealth 574

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